chanan / BlazorStrap

Bootstrap 4 Components for Blazor Framework
The Unlicense
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Feature Request: MultiSelect Select/Dropdown #602

Open TrieBr opened 11 months ago

TrieBr commented 11 months ago

I use Bootstrap / BlazorStrap quite extensively, but whenever I need a proper multi-select dropdown, I end up using another library like Radzen (RadzenDropdown) or MudBlazor which aren't Bootstrap themed. I would like to see a native support in BlazorStrap. I think this would belong as an extension, since it's not necessarily a native HTML/Bootstrap feature.

I'm willing to contribute this feature if the maintainers agree on this approach.

jbomhold3 commented 11 months ago

Probably best to roll this into this core project. But contributes are much appreatied