chandevel / Clover

Clover - imageboard browser for Android (moved from Floens/Clover)
GNU General Public License v3.0
784 stars 261 forks source link

Share not working correctly #777

Open kaleidoskopp opened 4 years ago

kaleidoskopp commented 4 years ago

Since the last update, whenever you share an image on Clover, it shares it without the correct filename, for example, I want to share an image called test.png: When I share it, it changes the name of the image to a negative number and without the png extension, so, after wanting to share a file called test.png I share a file just called -2095263778

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open image
  2. Click share
  3. Share it to K-9 Mail or any other application
  4. Notice the filename of the file that you're sharing