chandrawi / LoRaRF-Arduino

Arduino library for basic transmitting and receiving data using LoRa and FSK modulation
MIT License
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Exception in esp8266 using E22-900M-30S #25

Open SoxxZ opened 4 months ago

SoxxZ commented 4 months ago

hi, i'm having this as output when testing sending data with e22-900m-30s module with wemos d1 mini:

--------------- CUT HERE FOR EXCEPTION DECODER ---------------

Soft WDT reset

Exception (4): epc1=0x402010a0 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000


ctx: cont sp: 3ffffe40 end: 3fffffd0 offset: 0160 3fffffa0: 00000002 feefeffe feefeffe feefeffe
3fffffb0: 3fffdad0 00000000 3ffee784 40203054
3fffffc0: feefeffe feefeffe 3fffdab0 40100fb1




define SX126X

//#define SX127X

if defined(SX126X)

SX126x LoRa;

elif defined(SX127X)

SX127x LoRa;


// Message to transmit char message[] = "HeLoRa World!"; uint8_t nBytes = sizeof(message); uint8_t counter = 0;

void setup() {

// Begin serial communication Serial.begin(38400);

// Begin LoRa radio and set NSS, reset, IRQ, txen, and rxen pin with connected arduino pins Serial.println("Begin LoRa radio");

if defined(SX126X)

// Begin LoRa radio for SX126x and LLCC68 int8_t nssPin = 15, resetPin = 16, busyPin = A0, irqPin = -1, txenPin = 0, rxenPin = 2; if (!LoRa.begin(nssPin, resetPin, busyPin, irqPin, txenPin, rxenPin)){ Serial.println("Something wrong, can't begin LoRa radio"); while(1); } // Configure TCXO used in RF module Serial.println("Set RF module to use TCXO as clock reference"); LoRa.setDio3TcxoCtrl(SX126X_DIO3_OUTPUT_1_8, SX126X_TCXO_DELAY_10);

elif defined(SX127X)

// Begin LoRa radio for SX126x and LLCC68 int8_t nssPin = 10, resetPin = 9, irqPin = 2, txenPin = 8, rxenPin = 7; if (!LoRa.begin(nssPin, resetPin, irqPin, txenPin, rxenPin)){ Serial.println("Something wrong, can't begin LoRa radio"); while(1); }


// Set frequency to 915 Mhz Serial.println("Set frequency to 915 Mhz"); LoRa.setFrequency(915000000);

// Set RX gain. RX gain option are power saving gain or boosted gain Serial.println("Set RX gain to power saving gain"); LoRa.setRxGain(LORA_RX_GAIN_POWER_SAVING); // Power saving gain

// Configure modulation parameter including spreading factor (SF), bandwidth (BW), and coding rate (CR) Serial.println("Set modulation parameters:\n\tSpreading factor = 7\n\tBandwidth = 125 kHz\n\tCoding rate = 4/5"); uint8_t sf = 7; // Spreading factor: 7 uint32_t bw = 125000; // Bandwidth: 125 kHz uint8_t cr = 5; // Coding rate: 4/5 LoRa.setLoRaModulation(sf, bw, cr);

// Configure packet parameter including header type, preamble length, payload length, and CRC type Serial.println("Set packet parameters:\n\tExplicit header type\n\tPreamble length = 12\n\tPayload Length = 15\n\tCRC on"); uint8_t headerType = LORA_HEADER_EXPLICIT; // Explicit header mode uint16_t preambleLength = 12; // Set preamble length to 12 uint8_t payloadLength = 15; // Initialize payloadLength to 15 bool crcType = true; // Set CRC enable LoRa.setLoRaPacket(headerType, preambleLength, payloadLength, crcType);

// Set syncronize word for public network (0x3444) Serial.println("Set syncronize word to 0x3444"); LoRa.setSyncWord(0x3444);

Serial.println("\n-- LORA RECEIVER --\n");


void loop() {

// Transmit message and counter // write() method must be placed between beginPacket() and endPacket() LoRa.beginPacket(); LoRa.write(message, nBytes); LoRa.write(counter); LoRa.endPacket();

// Print message and counter in serial Serial.print(message); Serial.print(" "); Serial.println(counter++);

// Wait until modulation process for transmitting packet finish LoRa.wait();

// Print transmit time Serial.print("Transmit time: "); Serial.print(LoRa.transmitTime()); Serial.println(" ms"); Serial.println();

// Don't load RF module with continous transmit delay(5000);
