chanelcolgate / hydroelectric-project

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Model Training #15

Open chanelcolgate opened 2 years ago

chanelcolgate commented 2 years ago


LABEL_KEY = 'consumer_disputed'

Feature name, feature dimensionality

ONE_HOT_FEATURES = { "product": 11, "sub_product": 44, "company_response": 5, "state": 56, "issue": 88 }

Feature name, bucket count

BUCKET_FEATURES = { "zip_code": 10 }

Feature name, value is unused

TEXT_FEATURES = { "consumer_complaint_narrative": None }

def transformed_name(key): return key + '_xf'

def get_model():

One-hot categorical features

input_features = []

Loop over the features and create an input for each feature

for key, dim in ONE_HOT_FEATURES.items(): input_features.append( tf.keras.Input(shape=(dim+1, ), name=transformed_name(key)) )

Adding bucketized features

for key, dim in BUCKET_FEATURES.items(): input_features.append( tf.keras.Input(shape=(dim+1,), name=transformed_name(key)) )

Adding text input features

input_texts = [] for key in TEXT_FEATURES.keys(): input_texts.append( tf.keras.Input(shape=(1, ), name=transformed_name(key), dtype=tf.string) )

inputs = input_features + input_texts

Embed text features


Load the tf.hub module of the Universal Sentence Encoder model.

embed = hub.KerasLayer(MODULE_URL)

Keras inputs are two-dimensional, but the encoder expects one-dimesional inputs

reshaped_narrative = tf.reshape(inputs_text[0], [-1]) embed_narrative = embed(reshaped_narrative) deep_ff = tf.keras.layers.Reshape((512, ), input_shape=(1, 512))(embed_narrative) deep = tf.keras.layers.Dense(256, activation='relu')(deep_ff) deep = tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation='relu')(deep) deep = tf.keras.layers.Dense(16, activation='relu')(deep) wide_ff = tf.keras.layers.concatenate(input_features) wide = tf.keras.layers.Dense(16, activation='relu')(wide_ff) both = tf.keras.layers.concatenate([deep, wide]) output = tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(both)

Assemble the model graph with the functional API.

keras_model = tf.keras.models.Model(inputs, output) keras_model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.001), loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=[ tf.keras.metrics.BinaryAccuracy(), tf.keras.metrics.TruePositives() ]) return keras_model

- The Trainer component requires the following inputs:
  - The previously generated data schema, generated by the data validation step
  - The transformed data and its preprocessing graph
  - Training parameters (e.g., the number of training steps)
  - A module file containing a `run_fn()` function, which defines the training process
- `run_fn()` function is a generic entry point to the training steps and not tf.Keras specific. It carries out the following steps:
  - Loading the training and validation data (or the data generator)
  - Defining the model architecture and compiling the model
  - Training the model
  - Exporting the model to be evaluated in the next pipeline step
def run_fn(fn_args):
  tf_transform_output = tft.TFTransformOutput(fn_args.transform_output)
  # Call the input_fn to get data generators
  train_dataset = input_fn(fn_args.train_files, tf_transform_output)
  eval_dataset = input_fn(fn_args.eval_files, tf_transform_output)

  # Call the get_model function to get the compiled Keras model.
  model = get_model()
  log_dir = "logs/fit/" +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
  tensorboard_callback = tf.keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(
      log_dir =log_dir, update_freq='batch'
  # Train the model using the number of training and
  # evaluation steps passed by the Trainer component

  # Define the model signature, which includes the serving
  # function we will describe later
  signatures = {
  }, save_format='tf', signatures=signatures)

def input_fn(file_pattern, tf_transform_output, batch_size=32): transformed_feature_spec = ( tf_transform_output.transformed_feature_spec().copy() )

The dataset will be batched into the correct batch size

dataset = file_pattern=file_pattern, batch_size=batch_size, features=transformed_feature_spec, reader=_gzip_reader_fn, label_key=transformed_name(LABEL_KEY) ) return dataset

- Applying the preprocessing graph to model inputs
def _get_serve_tf_examples_fn(model, tf_transform_output):
  # Load the preprocessing graph
  model.tft_layer = tf_transform_output.transform_features_layer()
  def serve_tf_examples_fn(serialized_tf_examples):
    feature_spec = tf_transform_output.raw_feature_spec()
    # Parse the raw tf.Example records from the request
    parsed_features =
        serialized_tf_examples, feature_spec

    # Apply the preprocessing transformation to raw data
    transformed_features = model.tft_layer(parsed_features)
    # Perform prediction with preprocessed data
    outputs = model(transformed_features)
    return {'outputs': outputs}
  return serve_tf_examples_fn


base_dir = os.getcwd() train_file = os.path.join(base_dir, 'components/')

trainer = Trainer( module_file=train_file,

Override the executor to load the run_fn() function.



- Predict
model_path = trainer.outputs.model.get()[0].uri + '/Format-Serving'
model = tf.saved_model.load(export_dir=model_path)
predict_fn = model.signatures["serving_default"
example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature={
  'feature_A': _bytes_features(feature_A_value),
serialized_example = example.SeiralizeToString()

%load_ext tensorboard %tensorboard --logdir {model_dir}

  - Then connect to `http://localhost:6006/` to view TensorBoard. This gives us a larger window to view the details.
- We compile our model by selecting the loss function, optimizer, and the metrics
  - Loss function: This measures the accuracy of the model during training. We need to minimize this function to ensure that the model is on the right path. There are three main loss functions that we will be using:
    - `binary_crossentropy`: This is the default loss function that is used for binary classification
    - `categorical_crossentropy`: This is the default loss function that is used for multi-class classification.
    - `sparse_categorical_crossentropy`: This is used for multi-class classification, without the need of using one hot encoding.
  - Optimizer: Depending on the data and the loss function, the model makes changes to itself to produce the most optimal results. The optimizer is used to alter the value of the weights in order to minimize the loss function.
  - Metrics: This keeps a check on the steps that the model takes doing training and testing. The "accuracy" option considers the number of images that are correctly recognized and classified
#### Estimate
#### Tests