chaneyddtt / Convolutional-Sequence-to-Sequence-Model-for-Human-Dynamics

Source code of paper "Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Model for Human Dynamics"
MIT License
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how to generate h5 file #7

Open cuichangrui opened 3 years ago

cuichangrui commented 3 years ago

hi, in '', at line 182,the path '/home/lichen/data_process/allsamples/human3.6m/' seems dosen't exist,i wonder to know how to generate the 'CNNAdTrain_GANWEIGHT0.010000_Sampling0.950000_samples.h5' .thank you for a lot

zzhang1987 commented 3 years ago

This first directory '/home/lichen/data_process/allsamples/human3.6m/' should be modified to the directory of of human3.6m dataset. The first h5 file is the trained weight. You can train the model first to generate that file.