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changeset version does not respect prettier config since prettier 3.1.1 #1350

Closed TheHolyWaffle closed 1 month ago

TheHolyWaffle commented 2 months ago

Affected Packages



When having prettier version 3.1.1 or higher installed. It will not respect the prettier configuration when running changeset version.

This results in files being created with invalid formatting, resulting in broken CI checks on formatting.

The problem happens at this line:

prettierConfig is null even though a .prettierrc file is present.

This is caused by changes introduced in 3.1.1 to how .prettierrc config is found. See changelog notes:

Proposed solution

Changing it to this fixes the prettier config resolving:

let prettierConfig = await prettierInstance.resolveConfig(cwd + '/package.json');
TheHolyWaffle commented 1 month ago

(Workaround for now is to run prettier --write . after using changeset version)