changhao-chen / selective_sensor_fusion

Webpage for Selective Sensor Fusion
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poses evaluation issue. #9

Open arkinrc opened 2 years ago

arkinrc commented 2 years ago

Hello, First of all, I would like to appreciate your contribution in this field and providing this open source code. well, I've successfully implemented this code on Kitti datasets and got csv files of result_seq5, truth_Euler and truth_pose as well as multiple pytorch models such flownet.pth, rec_imu.pth etc. But i don't know how to use these files to get the path trajectories and others useful information because csv data isn't in kitti format or others.

could you plz provide answers of above mentioned questions.

Regards Arkin

scarLiu commented 1 year ago

Do you solve this problem now?

00ohnim commented 8 months ago

Have you solved it?

wangwang324 commented 3 months ago

Hello, do you solve this problem now? How can I visualize the trajectory diagram?