changlin31 / BossNAS

(ICCV 2021) BossNAS: Exploring Hybrid CNN-transformers with Block-wisely Self-supervised Neural Architecture Search
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Running HyTra search on CIFAR10 ( or potentially on other datasets...) #9

Open matteogambella opened 2 years ago

matteogambella commented 2 years ago

I have some doubts on how to search on HyTra with datasets different from Imagenet. Is it possible? I tried to run the search on CIFAR10 but it gives me this error with a HyTracifar10 config file: RuntimeError: Given groups=1, weight of size [256, 1024, 1, 1], expected input[256, 512, 4, 4] to have 1024 channels, but got 512 channels instead. This is the config file I created for this purpose. Since the configs file were not so clear to me (my fault) I simply tried to mix the NATScifar10 config file and the HytraImagenet config file to obtain a HyTracifar10 version. The model and the dataset seem to be created/loaded correctly, I think there is a kind of mismatch on size. Up to now, I'm trying to run only on CIFAR10 but my intention is to generalize the process on different datasets (not only the most famous ones). I would like to know if this generalization can be already obtained with your code (or with slight modifies) or if the work was supposed to run only on the main datasets.

HytraCifar10 config

import copy base = ''

model = dict( type='SiameseSupernetsHyTra', pretrained=None, base_momentum=0.99, pre_conv=True, backbone=dict( type='SupernetHyTra', ), start_block=0, num_block=4, neck=dict( type='NonLinearNeckSimCLRProject', in_channels=2048, hid_channels=4096, out_channels=256, num_layers=2, sync_bn=False, with_bias=True, with_last_bn=False, with_avg_pool=True), head=dict(type='LatentPredictHead', size_average=True, predictor=dict(type='NonLinearNeckSimCLR', in_channels=256, hid_channels=4096, out_channels=256, num_layers=2, sync_bn=False, with_bias=True, with_last_bn=False, with_avg_pool=False)))

dataset settings

data_source_cfg = dict(type='NATSCifar10', root='../data/cifar/', return_label=False) train_dataset_type = 'BYOLDataset' test_dataset_type = 'StoragedBYOLDataset' img_norm_cfg = dict(mean=[0.4914, 0.4822, 0.4465], std=[0.2023, 0.1994, 0.201]) train_pipeline = [ dict(type='RandomCrop', size=32, padding=4), dict(type='RandomHorizontalFlip'), ]


prefetch = False if not prefetch: train_pipeline.extend([dict(type='ToTensor'), dict(type='Normalize', **img_norm_cfg)]) train_pipeline1 = copy.deepcopy(train_pipeline) train_pipeline2 = copy.deepcopy(train_pipeline)

test_pipeline1 = copy.deepcopy(train_pipeline1) test_pipeline2 = copy.deepcopy(train_pipeline2) data = dict( imgs_per_gpu=256, # total 2564(gpu)4(interval)=4096 workers_per_gpu=2, train=dict( type=train_dataset_type, data_source=dict(split='train', data_source_cfg), pipeline1=train_pipeline1, pipeline2=train_pipeline2), val=dict( type=test_dataset_type, data_source=dict(split='test', data_source_cfg), pipeline1=test_pipeline1, pipeline2=test_pipeline2,), test=dict( type=test_dataset_type, data_source=dict(split='test', **data_source_cfg), pipeline1=test_pipeline1, pipeline2=test_pipeline2,))


optimizer = dict(type='LARS', lr=4.8, weight_decay=0.000001, momentum=0.9, paramwise_options={ '(bn|gn)(\d+)?.(weight|bias)': dict(weight_decay=0., lars_exclude=True), 'bias': dict(weight_decay=0., lars_exclude=True)})


use_fp16 = True

interval for accumulate gradient

update_interval = 8 optimizer_config = dict(update_interval=update_interval, use_fp16=use_fp16)

learning policy

lr_config = dict( policy='CosineAnnealing', min_lr=0., warmup='linear', warmup_iters=1, warmup_ratio=0.0001, # cannot be 0 warmup_by_epoch=True) checkpoint_config = dict(interval=1)

runtime settings

total_epochs = 24

additional hooks

custom_hooks = [ dict(type='BYOLHook', end_momentum=1., update_interval=update_interval), dict(type='RandomPathHook'), dict( type='ValBestPathHook', dataset=data['val'], bn_dataset=data['train'], initial=True, interval=2, optimizer_cfg=optimizer, lr_cfg=lr_config, imgs_per_gpu=256, workers_per_gpu=4, epoch_per_stage=6, resume_best_path='') # e.g. 'path_rank/bestpath_2.yml' ]

resume_from = 'checkpoints/stage3_epoch3.pth'

resume_optimizer = False

cudnn_benchmark = True