changnet / language-protobuf

google protobuf syntax hightlight support for github atom editor
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Failed to load a language-proto package grammar #2

Open CosinLu opened 8 years ago

CosinLu commented 8 years ago

[Enter steps to reproduce below:]

  1. ...
  2. ...

Atom Version: 1.7.4 System: Mac OS X 10.11.4 Thrown From: language-proto package, v1.7.4

Stack Trace

Failed to load a language-proto package grammar

At /Users/kexinlu/.atom/packages/language-protobuf/grammars/protobuf.cson: unmatched OUTDENT in /Users/kexinlu/.atom/packages/language-protobuf/grammars/protobuf.cson

[stdin]:9:5: error: unmatched OUTDENT
  at /Users/kexinlu/.atom/packages/language-protobuf/grammars/protobuf.cson:1:1




Installed Packages

# User
Quick-JavaScript, v0.16.0
language-html5-subtlegradient, v0.1.0
php-debug, v0.2.3

# Dev
No dev packages
CosinLu commented 8 years ago


changnet commented 8 years ago

我把win7和ubuntu14.04下的atom全部升级为1.7.4,也没能重现这个问题 而且,protobuf.cson:1:1并不存在"{"这个缩进。 如果你没有修改过atom或者language-proto的相关文件,可能跟你正在编辑的proto文件或者运行环境有关