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Tim's testing/practice notes
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angular advance study #17

Open changtimwu opened 9 years ago

changtimwu commented 9 years ago
changtimwu commented 9 years ago

This is what we failed to do

When implementing conditional features, we want to:
1. Load only the code for features that the current user can access. 
2. Limit access to specific parts of the controller/view.
changtimwu commented 9 years ago

remove # hashtag

changtimwu commented 9 years ago

when met peerDependency error please uninstall all related generators first

npm uninstall -g generator-angular
npm uninstall -g generator-karma
changtimwu commented 9 years ago

try gulp-angular generator it includes quite a lot good stuff including ui-router

changtimwu commented 8 years ago

excellent q explain

window.intabctl = ($scope, $q, $timeout)->
  slowadd = (a,b)->
      qj = $q.defer()
      $timeout (->
        if a+b<20
          qj.resolve a+b
          qj.reject 'over 20'
     ), 5000

  slowadd(7,8).then( (sum)->
      console.log('sum is ', sum)
      slowadd( 1,2)
  ).then( (sum)->
      console.log('sum is ', sum)
      slowadd( 4,5)
  ).then( (sum)->
      console.log('sum is ', sum)

  pms= [slowadd( 7,8), slowadd(8,1)]
  $q.all(pms).then (answers)->
  console.log 'all done',answers
changtimwu commented 8 years ago


changtimwu commented 8 years ago

nice angular resource

changtimwu commented 8 years ago

sequential promise examples

$q.serial can't provide the same interface as $q.all because a task would started upon creating the promise. This violates the term serial whick implies a task would be started only after previous task has done.

changtimwu commented 8 years ago seems a good project demostrating how to combine angular1/typescript/webpack/karma but its karma is empty.