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gitlab and CI #43

Open changtimwu opened 8 years ago

changtimwu commented 8 years ago


fallocate -l 4G /swapfile
mkswap /swapfile
swapon /swapfile
echo "/swapfile   none    swap    sw    0   0" >> /etc/fstab
free -m
changtimwu commented 8 years ago

cache between jobs from docker executor

changtimwu commented 8 years ago Notice: read through the artifacts and catche sections

Artificacts: The artifacts will be send after a successful build success to GitLab, and will be accessible in the GitLab UI to download. Where?

changtimwu commented 8 years ago

survey CD(continue deploy)

changtimwu commented 8 years ago People really like dokku and lots of deployment & hosting options.

changtimwu commented 8 years ago

dokku has documents on thow to setup on linode.


tutum shows the streamline of deployment. github->circle ci-> docker hub-> tutum. I would be great if there is a similar for gitlab ci.

yes i got one for gitlab-ci.

tutum's way manages HAproxy is quite fantastic. nginx can do so via the VIRTUAL_HOST env. That idea is great. Generating nginx config file with a templating tool(docker-gen) written in go from all containers' envs.