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HDL and circuit design #59

Open changtimwu opened 7 years ago

changtimwu commented 7 years ago

changtimwu commented 7 years ago

changtimwu commented 7 years ago

picorv32 interesting comments! The actual verilog code is only 1450 lines. I didn't realize that you could be so productive (I've never done any chip design before, but have watched longingly for some time).

The actual verilog is often the easy part. Writing a good simulation (see testbench.v and the firmware folder) to make sure that verilog does what you expect takes a fair amount of work. Getting the verilog to synthesize and meet timing is also another large piece of the work. It appears that (unlike a lot of FPGA projects) the author of this has actually written scripts to automate that part, but you can bet there was a fair amount of trial and error to get those scripts correct. There's always a lot of "fighting the tools" involved in this process.

Besides, it contains formal verification.

changtimwu commented 7 years ago
changtimwu commented 7 years ago

good vliw overview