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Neural Network Precision #71

Open changtimwu opened 7 years ago

changtimwu commented 7 years ago

Nvidia has quite complete solution on 8 bit inference.

Nvidia's two days demo is worthy trying.

mixed precision CUDA programming highlights: GP102(1080ti) is much better on FP16 than GP104(1080).

related discussion

volta is even better on FP16.

changtimwu commented 7 years ago

please start from

tensorflow supports fp16

cifar10 example

slothkong commented 6 years ago

Thanks for sharing this information. I would really like to test inference when models are limited to FP16. Unfortunately, I've heard bad things about FP16 support on Pascal. Apparently the only chip that guaranties native FP16 operations is the Tesla P100. We the mortals can only afford a GTX 1080, which seems unable to achieve the theoretical throughput. Then again, I have not tested it myself or found any evidence other than comments on reddit and github

changtimwu commented 6 years ago