chanlito / nestjs-extensions

[WIP] A bunch of useful and opinionated filters, modules, pipes... to use with Nest framework. 😻
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Could DtoPipe return entity, and could it use params/queryParams instead of @Body? #5

Closed chriszrc closed 6 years ago

chriszrc commented 6 years ago

It's nice that nest will convert post bodies to an entity/dto, but I want the same functionality for coercing params into an object as well. In Spring, this is handled by @ModelAttribute.

Could the DtoPipe be modified to do this?

chanlito commented 6 years ago

Yes should work just fine.

chanlito commented 6 years ago

For example:

// playground.dto.ts

import { Transform } from 'class-transformer';
import {
} from 'class-validator';
import { Dto } from 'nestjs-extensions';

export class PostDto {
  title!: string;

  description?: string;

  @Transform(x => +x)
  count!: number;

export class QueryDto {
  @Transform(x => +x)
  limit!: number;

  @Transform(x => +x)
  offset!: number;

export class ParamsDto {
  @Transform(x => +x)
  id!: number;

  @Transform(x => +x)
  postId!: number;
// playground.controller.ts

import { Body, Controller, Get, Param, Post, Query } from '@nestjs/common';

import { ParamsDto, PostDto, QueryDto } from './playground.dto';

export class PlayGroundController {
  async post(@Body() { title, description, count }: PostDto) {
    return { title, description, count };

  async get(@Query() { limit, offset }: QueryDto) {
    return {
      limit: { value: limit, type: typeof limit },
      offset: { value: offset, type: typeof offset }

  async getOne(@Param() { id, postId }: ParamsDto) {
    return {
      id: { value: id, type: typeof id },
      postId: { value: postId, type: typeof postId }
chriszrc commented 6 years ago

It works thanks! And it appears it's even faster than what I was doing without it, nice!

I actually want the whole dto to pass to a service, so I'm using it like this:

  async findByTileDto(@Param() createTileDto: CreateTileDto, @Res() res:Response) {...}

However, even though my entity looks like this:

export class CreateTileDto {
  x: number;

  y: number;

  z: number;

I get back a 422, with a message that my values aren't numbers. And of course, it's right, they're strings, since they're coming from params. Is there a way to use the ParseIntPipe here, or am I missing something else?

chanlito commented 6 years ago

@Transform(x => +x) add this on your property, internally it's uses class-transformer before doing validation so this would make it to a number be it validates.