channotation / chap

CHAP is a tool for the functional annotation of ion channel structures:
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Pure bilayer system analysis #37

Open DominicDing1024 opened 3 years ago

DominicDing1024 commented 3 years ago


Here I want to make sure that can CHAP be used to analysis the pore produced in a pure bilayer system?

I built a DOPC bilayer system and exerted a electric field to produce a pore in it. Then I try to run CHAP to know how big the pore is, but failed. Following is what I did and got:

chap -f IRE_NPT_0.5.trr -s IRE_NPT_0.5_new.tpr

         The Channel Annotation Package, version 0.9.1

Reading file IRE_NPT_0.5_new.tpr, VERSION 2018.8 (single precision) Reading file IRE_NPT_0.5_new.tpr, VERSION 2018.8 (single precision) Available static index groups: Group 0 "System" (73918 atoms) Group 1 "Other" (73918 atoms) Group 2 "DOPC" (35328 atoms) Group 3 "POT" (95 atoms) Group 4 "CLA" (95 atoms) Group 5 "TIP3" (38400 atoms) Specify a selection for option 'sel-pathway' (Reference group that defines the permeation pathway (usually 'Protein') ): (one per line, for status/groups, 'help' for help) 2 Selection '2' parsed trr version: GMX_trn_file (single precision) Reading frame 0 time 0.000

Program: chap, version 2018.8 Standard library runtime error (possible bug): (exception type: St13runtime_error) No hydrophobicity scale data found for residue DOPC and no fallback specified.

Does it mean I need add the hydrophobicity scale data for DOPC manually?

How can I solve it?

Thanks a lot!