chantastic / ama

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What is the most valuable skill you've learnt by doing the podcast? #6

Closed chantastic closed 4 years ago

chantastic commented 4 years ago

via Twitter from @NatKaratkova

chantastic commented 4 years ago

I've learned two skills from my two years with React Podcast:

How to ask a question

I've always been inquisitive But leading a conversation for a podcast is... something else.

The best questions will subtly direct to new topics, while touching on an overarching narrative, and nodding to earlier context — all while being specific enough and broad enough to be quickly answered.

This is a terrifying and exhilarating challenge.

It's taken a lot of work and I'm no master — yet.

How to delegate

I'm a control freak. At the beginning of the show, I was doing everything. It took me about 12 hours to schedule, record, edit, publish, and publicize an episode.

I couldn't sustain it. So, I partnered with [Spec Network] for editing and production and I automated scheduling with Calendly and Zoom. Now it takes me about 3-4 hours for my part of each episode.

I'm glad that I got over myself. I had to give up control but the show would have burned me out if I hadn't.