chanzuckerberg / cellxgene

An interactive explorer for single-cell transcriptomics data
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support viz of >2D embeddings #599

Open neuromusic opened 5 years ago

neuromusic commented 5 years ago

if the selected embedding has >2 dimensions, expose the third dimension in some way

brainstorm of ideas:

the "slight motion" one is hard to explain... an application I used to use in grad school did this for 3d data on a 2d canvas.

imagine the 3rd dimension is in the z-direction with negative values "behind" the screen and positive values in front. now, imagine taking the z-axis and rotating it slightly in a circle around the axis coming out from the screen such that points in positive z rotate clockwise and points in negative z rotate counter clockwise, with a larger radius as the magnitude of z increases. it gives a pretty profound sense of depth to the data (if I can find a demo, I will)

neuromusic commented 5 years ago

notes from convo with @colinmegill:

How does selection work?

Is 3D the best way to elucidate finer structure? Or is reclustering on subsets more useful?

Is this a dataset-specific feature? (e.g. spatial or timecourse)

We may need to consider this in light of #594 ... what do we do if there is a 3D layout we read in?

No users have really expressed a need for this, so it's low priority unless something changes that we need to reconsider it.

dburkhardt commented 4 years ago

I would like to express a need for this! I am unlikely to use cellxgene myself without 3D support. Still might give it to our less computationally-inclined collaborators.

Selecting cells in 3D is challenging, and I'm definitely not doing VR. I would be happy to discuss potential solutions for this, but you could start by letting users draw a preliminary lasso based on their current view, then project this into a sphere and let the user refine the sphere boundaries.

Maybe not realistic at this stage in the project, but vispy ( has nice 3d marker plots with arcball navigation.

signechambers1 commented 3 years ago

Closing as a low priority, if we hear more asks for this we will reconsider. Thank you!

brianpenghe commented 3 years ago

This can be very useful! It's becoming increasingly popular to see 3D UMAPs! Cao et al 2020 's Figure 1 used it. Discussions about 3D embeddings had been there as well:

And this package seems to have moved a little further.

The benefit of 3D UMAP is that we maximize what our brain can understand intuitively so that more structures can be perceived at the same time.

brianpenghe commented 2 years ago

Actually I just realized that plotly can already visualize 3D scatterplots nicely. But it can't conveniently show gene expressions easily.

colinmegill commented 2 years ago

@brianpenghe I'd be excited to see someone hack this in on a fork and experiment! We're already in webgl land, so it's possible in the present architecture. Selections in 3d are an interesting problem, and I will link back to @neuromusic's comment above re: spherical selection, it's an idea from a VR interface called Chroma and h/t @spiraloid for putting me inside a headset back when this came out in 2017


seve commented 2 years ago

re: 3d selections, I think there's a hidden step between mouse and VR.

< $100

brianpenghe commented 2 years ago

@brianpenghe I'd be excited to see someone hack this in on a fork and experiment! We're already in webgl land, so it's possible in the present architecture. Selections in 3d are an interesting problem, and I will link back to @neuromusic's comment above re: spherical selection, it's an idea from a VR interface called Chroma and h/t @spiraloid for putting me inside a headset back when this came out in 2017


very good thought! And the goal is understandably ambitious.

Just for eye candy I'm attaching my fetal lung atlas data in 3D space here generated by plotly.

dburkhardt commented 11 months ago

Can I bump this issue again? I'd love 3d cellxgene support. Still unlikely to use the tool without it. For selection -- I'm okay without it!

I'm also happy to discuss possible solutions (can you translate a view into a transformation of basis vectors, then select cells iteratively)?