chanzuckerberg / cryoet-data-portal

CryoET Data Portal
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ci: pagination e2e #776

Closed codemonkey800 closed 3 weeks ago

codemonkey800 commented 3 weeks ago


Adds pagination E2E tests for the browse datasets and single dataset pages. This primarily checks that the max page count is displayed correctly and that selecting a page will load the correct items based on the backend.

kne42 commented 3 weeks ago

also we're missing tests on the arrows for the pagination e.g. if they disappear when at the first / last pages, if clicking on them gives us the correct page, etc.

codemonkey800 commented 3 weeks ago

also we're missing tests on the arrows for the pagination e.g. if they disappear when at the first / last pages, if clicking on them gives us the correct page, etc.

I intentionally avoided testing those because :

  1. Since it's an SDS component, I'm sure it's thoroughly testing that the arrows work as expected
  2. The test cases capture the main thing we want to test: does selecting a specific page load the correct items. That can happen through selection, clicking on the arrows, or selecting using the page dropdown.

let's sync more on it our 1:1 though, it shouldn't be too hard to add these cases too

codemonkey800 commented 3 weeks ago

sync'd with Kira and there's still value in having the E2E for the arrows, so going to add the following tests: