chanzuckerberg / single-cell-curation

Code and documentation for the curation of cellxgene datasets
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Teichmann CxG annotations update #997

Open JABelfiore opened 3 weeks ago

JABelfiore commented 3 weeks ago

Please find the below recommended updates to the CxG annotations of the Teichmann paper.


CxG annotation update recommendations (existing CL terms):

Author cell label
Author CL match CL term Action Updated CL term
Macrophages glial cell CL:0000125 Change existing CL term to macrophage CL:0000235
Activated T T cell CL:0000084 Choose appropriate from activated T cell types: activated CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell, human and activated CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell, human TBC
T reticular reticular cell CL:0000432 Replace existing term with T cell zone reticular cell CL:0009105
Goblet cell intestine goblet cell CL:0019031 Choose appropriate from: small intestine and large intestine goblet cells TBC
Paneth glial cell CL:0000125 Change existing term to Paneth cell CL:0000510

JABelfiore commented 3 weeks ago

CxG annotation update recommendations (new CL terms):

Author cell label
Author CL match CL term Action New CL term
cycling stromal stromal cell CL:0000499 Added new CL term cycling stromal cell. CL:4047001
cycling ENCC/glia migratory enteric neural crest cell CL:0002607 Added new CL term for cycling glial cell CL:4047002
Cycling B cell B cell CL:0000236 Added new CL term cycling B cell CL:4033068
Cycling plasma cell plasma cell CL:0000786 Added new term cycling plasma cell CL:4047003
cycling EC type EC enteroendocrine cell CL:0000577 Added new term cycling type EC enteroendocrine cell CL:4047004
BEST4+ epithelial epithelial cell CL:0000066 Added new term BEST4+ epithelial CL:4030026
Fetal arterial EC type EC enteroendocrine cell CL:0000577 Added new term fetal arterial enteroendocrine cell CL:4047004
Immature pericyte pericyte CL:0000669 Added new term immature pericyte CL:4047007
Fetal venous EC vein endothelial cell CL:0002543 Added new cell term fetal vein endothelial cell CL:4047008

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