chanzuckerberg / sorbet-rails

A set of tools to make the Sorbet typechecker work with Ruby on Rails seamlessly.
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Non-optional belongs_to relationships can still be nil #356

Open francois opened 4 years ago

francois commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug:

ActiveRecord 5.2+ gained the optional option on belongs_to declarations. sorbet-rails infers that belongs_to relationships where optional is false means that the referenced object will always be present.

Steps to reproduce:

class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :company # required association because optional is absent

T.must(Employee.find(1).company) #=> passes, because validation enforced the presence
T.must( #=> fails because company is nil
T.must(Employee.find(1).tap{|e| = nil}.company #=> fails, because company is nil

In our specific case, we discovered the issue with code such as this:

class Sale < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :payment_term

  def init_with_defaults
    s =

    # Sorbet complains about unreachable code
    s.payment_term ||= PaymentTerm.default

Expected behavior:

belongs_to relationships should always be T.nilable(Elem), without regards to the optional option.

# employee.rbi
class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
  sig{ returns(T.nilable(Company)) }
  def company(*) ; end


francois commented 4 years ago

To me, the fix seems to be to change this line:

The calls to #belongs_to_and_required? and #has_one_and_required? would need to go, leaving only T.nilable(#{assoc_class}). I can certainly write a PR for that, with specs, but I'm not sure how you want to go about fixing this issue.

hdoan741 commented 3 years ago

There is a class of issues with a newly created or unsaved record ( I'm thinking about how to deal with it, eg we have 2 type: Sale and UnsavedSale. For UnsavedSale, all attributes would be nilable. It's not implemented yet though :-(

DanielGilchrist commented 3 years ago

Just my 2c on the issue - I think belongs_to associations with optional: false should not be nilable as most business logic will be written for when the records have already been persisted to the DB. I personally prefer and think it's less obtrusive to treat calls where the records aren't persisted yet as an edge case than having to handle nilable values unnecessarily. In saying that, if there were a better solution where we could know when those calls would be nilable that'd be amazing