chao1224 / MoleculeSTM

Multi-modal Molecule Structure-text Model for Text-based Editing and Retrieval, Nat Mach Intell 2023 (
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How can I reproduce the results of the Graph modality in the structure-text retrieval experiment? #27

Open chenjinyu0723 opened 3 weeks ago

chenjinyu0723 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, I am a senior student and I am new in the field of deep learning. For zero-shot structure-text retrieval, I have basically reproduced the results for the SMILES modality correctly.
This is the result I get using the DrugBank Description(given structure) for the SMILES modality. This might be slight deviations, but it's essentially correct.


However, the results I get from the Graph modality on the same dataset vary significantly.


I followed the instructions in and ran the code step by step. I replaced the experiment's checkpoint with the one mentioned in scripts/, such as using this code:

python \ --task=molecule_description_removed_PubChem \ --molecule_type=Graph \ --input_model_dir=../data/pretrained_MoleculeSTM/SciBERT-Graph-3e-5-1-1e-4-1-InfoNCE-0.1-32-32

I would greatly appreciate it if you could respond whenever you have time to let me know where the issue might be. Looking forward to your reply.

Also, I would like to ask what the ‘seed’ are set for all the three experiments?