chaodhib / Wow-wireshark-dissector

World of Warcraft Wireshark dissector
GNU General Public License v2.0
28 stars 17 forks source link

Having trouble with the lua script for Cheat Engine #1

Closed CritixCS closed 4 months ago

CritixCS commented 2 years ago

First of all your project here is heaven-sent.

I know it has been a long af time since you made this and have probably forgotten about it already but i would really appreciate it if you could help me out. I have set up my own Trinity Core Server for WoW 3.3.5a and am trying out a bunch of stuff with it.

I am trying to get your dissector to work, but i'm having a few issues:

The location to the file has to be specified by changing the value of the variable "session_keys_file" in the LUA script!

I don't know which file you mean.... what exactly should i put in there? Sorry for being dumb.

"--------" "--------"

I called the function at the end of the script like this:


This seems more like the output i should get:

"--------" "--------" Error:[string "local session_keys_file = "PUT_PATH_TO_WRITAB..."]:9: bad argument #1 to 'for iterator' (table expected, got nil) Script Error


As you can see my preferences tab is missing many things for some reason.

Thank you for reading and i really hope you can help me out.

akaCoyote commented 1 year ago

I didn't look into this very long, but as far as I can tell debugger_onBreakpoint() isn't getting called in his Lua script (Using CheatEngine 7.4). You can't call that function directly because it relies on data which is populated by CheatEngine when the breakpoint occurs.

However, if you look his Lua, you have all the necessary information to figure out these values manually;

  1. Setup your Wireshark capture and filters, start the capture.
  2. Launch Wow.exe and login to your server.
  3. Start CheatEngine, open Wow.exe and click "Memory View".
  4. Go to the address (right-click -> Go to address or CTRL+G) he set a breakpoint on in the Lua file (0x00466D64)

In the Lua file, you see he's reading 20 bytes at the destination address (EDI) and 20 bytes at the source address (ESI) from the breakpoint. So right click the breakpoint address and follow it with SPACE, right-click that address and select "Copy to clipboard" -> "Addresses only", this will give you a relative address (e.g. Wow.exe+375040) you can use to read the bytes. Save the address somewhere.

Now go back to the original breakpoint address by hitting BACKSPACE, then hit BACKSPACE again to go to the source address, right-click the address and "Copy to clipboard" -> "Addresses only". Save the address somewhere.

Now you can use CEs built in Lua engine (CTRL+ALT+L) to read those bytes for you. Something like this:

Replace dest_addr and src_addr with the respective relative addresses you gathered above.

dest_addr = ""
src_addr = ""

table = readBytes(dest_addr, 20, true)
for i, v in ipairs(table) do serverKey = serverKey .. string.format("0x%x", v) .. " " end
print("Server Key: ", serverKey)

table = readBytes(src_addr, 20, true)
for i, v in ipairs(table) do clientKey = clientKey .. string.format("0x%x", v) .. " " end
print("Client Key: ", clientKey)

Remember the keys and relative addresses will change with each session, if you'll need to do this a lot, I'd highly recommend automating it.

CritixCS commented 1 year ago

Wow @akaCoyote you are amazing! Thank you so much. I will try this today or tmrw and see if i can make it work :D

chaodhib commented 1 year ago

Hi hi,

Sorry for the late reply. Although what @akaCoyote explained might work, the script has been designed to avoid all of these. Here are more detailed instructions:

As you can see my preferences tab is missing many things for some reason.

That is odd. Which version of Wireshark are you using? I mention in the documentation the following:

The DLL has been tested with Wireshark 3.0.2 64bits on Windows 10. For a different version, you may need to compile the dissector yourself (see "How to compile" section below).

If your version is newer, you might need to compile the DLL yourself.

Hope it helps.

CritixCS commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the answer!

Before doing all the stuff with CheatEngine and your LUA script i wanted to make sure the Wireshark plugin worked so i started by getting Wireshark 3.0.2 64bit and saw that it doesn't have your plugin. Then i cloned the current github repo of Wireshark and copied your files in there. I followed the Wireshark Build guidelines and got this error message at the very end:


Do you know what might cause this?

Wireshark does still open, but when i go under Preferences -> Protocols -> WOWW i still only get this:


I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me further <3

chaodhib commented 1 year ago

You have 2 options:

It looks like you wanted to go with the first option, so just copy the DLL in the appropriate location.