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Stuck at "video combine" #16

Open PawelSzpyt opened 1 month ago

PawelSzpyt commented 1 month ago

The workflow gets stuck at the last "Video combine" mode. I cannot cancel this prompt through queue or do anything, only restarting whole ComfyUI works. No errors in background. Video is saved pretty quickly but the processing never ends, and the output video lacks audio. How to fix it?

PawelSzpyt commented 1 month ago

This issue is consistent no matter what output type I choose. However, if I disconnect "Load Audio (Path)" node from "Video Combine" it works fine. What is even more interesting is that if I use "webm" output format then I can receive proper video which has audio - but still, whole ComfyUI is stuck on VideoCombine node, and it is impossible to cancel the processing ("cancel" button does nothing at this stage) and it is required to restart ComfyUI. [edit - actually it was some kind of fluke, I can't reproduce it consistently, I got the right file with audio once or twice, but in general I can't get a file with combined audio and video] No errors are visible in logs or in GUI. I run portable comfyui on windows 11. I have ComfyUI / manager / nodes up to date. I guess I'll have to disconnect audio and recombine it with a script... Pretty inconvenient but I don't see a way around it atm.