chaos4ever / chaos

The chaos Operating System
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[servers/boot] When multiple programs exist, the wrong one is started #132

Closed perlun closed 4 years ago

perlun commented 5 years ago

This was an interesting one: when working on making our Tetris program work again in chaos, I noticed that the boot server started to launch the wrong program on startup. That is, even though the startup script looked like this:

$ mtype u:/config/servers/boot/startup

...and the list of programs looked like this:

$ mdir u:/programs
 Volume in drive U has no label
 Volume Serial Number is 176F-2B6A
Directory for U:/programs

.            <DIR>     2018-10-17   0:00 
..           <DIR>     2018-10-17   0:00 
cluido          190568 2018-10-17   0:00 
tetris          113608 2018-10-17   0:00 
        4 files             304 176 bytes
                         16 408 576 bytes free

...the tetris program was started instead of cluido. 😂 At least, that's what it looks like - really weird. Keyboard input didn't work in tetris so it wasn't very useful either.

We should look into why this happens. The tetris tree is available in #131.

perlun commented 5 years ago

FWIW, it's the same when adding the modplay binary which has been done in #140 - the wrong binary is selected by the boot server. This is a blocker from being able to have multiple programs in the ramdisk.