chaoskagami / chaos-overlay

Random ebuilds for gentoo
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rpcs3 update #5

Open latot opened 8 years ago

latot commented 8 years ago

Hi again, well a little things, rpcs3 i think it requieres a little changes because don't is installing very well, and it have some changes in the packages dependencies:

sys-devel/gcc:4.9 sys-devel/llvm:0/3.6

Log installation:

-- Install configuration: "Gentoo"
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/apibegin.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/apiend.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/asmjit.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/build.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/config.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/host.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/x86.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/assembler.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/codegen.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/compiler.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/constpool.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/containers.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/cpuinfo.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/cputicks.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/error.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/globals.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/intutil.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/lock.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/logger.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/operand.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/runtime.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/string.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/vectypes.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/vmem.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/base/zone.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/x86/x86assembler.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/x86/x86compiler.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/x86/x86cpuinfo.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/x86/x86inst.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/include/asmjit/x86/x86operand.h
-- Installing: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/image/usr/games/lib64/libasmjit.a
!!! dobin: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/work/rpcs3-9999_build/bin/rpcs3 does not exist
 * ERROR: games-emulation/rpcs3-9999::Local-X failed (install phase):
 *   dobin failed
 * If you need support, post the output of `emerge --info '=games-emulation/rpcs3-9999::Local-X'`,
 * the complete build log and the output of `emerge -pqv '=games-emulation/rpcs3-9999::Local-X'`.
 * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/temp/environment'.
 * Working directory: '/var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/work/rpcs3-9999'
 * S: '/var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/work/rpcs3-9999'
 * QA Notice: file does not exist:
 *  dobin: /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/work/rpcs3-9999_build/bin/rpcs3 does not exist

Thx. cya

chaoskagami commented 8 years ago

I don't use gentoo anymore, but I will fix this one.

It does require newer gcc and llvm, so I'll fix that. If it doesn't build after that, you'll need to give me full logs; the installation phase isn't enough for that. I mean logs with --verbose, and from the emerge command to the end of the emerge command.

latot commented 8 years ago



chaoskagami commented 8 years ago

Okay, that isn't the issue here. They changed where bins end up post-build.

It built successfully for you. The binary isn't located where it used to be.

latot commented 8 years ago

yes, but is a little weird beause this only happend compiling from emerge, in a commun directory the binaries are the same place...

chaoskagami commented 8 years ago

Then this may be doing something odd with out of tree builds...

Normally, you build it by entering the directory and cmake .. Gentoo keeps source code separate. Perhaps the code is putting the binaries in the source directory; which is blatantly incorrect.

Do me a favor; ls /usr/portage/distfiles/*git*/*rpcs3*/bin. Post the output.

latot commented 8 years ago
ls /usr/portage/distfiles/*git*/*rpcs3*/bin
dev_flash  dev_hdd0  dev_hdd1  dev_usb000  make_fself.cmd  OpenAL32.dll
chaoskagami commented 8 years ago

Nope, okay. It's not dropping the binaries there. No sandbox violation either in the logs, looking back.

Next, find /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/work/rpcs3-9999

This is going to be a long list of files. I suggest you dump it in a gist.

latot commented 8 years ago

a super big list:

chaoskagami commented 8 years ago

That's...super weird. But I think I know what's going on. They finally added the 'make install' command after so long. Which means that my strategy is invalid, since I was installing a self-contained build (which was the only thing it did previously.)

Anyways, I'm confident I know what's going on now and that I can fix it. It'll just take a bit to set up the chroot and make changes now.

Another thing I've found is that rpcs3 is INCOMPATIBLE with llvm 3.7 due to r237624 (which changed a calling API, no more CreateCall2 & CreateCall3), so I have to do =sys-devel/llvm:0/3.6. I should also clean up ffmpeg, wxWidgets, and llvm pre-build since we want to use the system copy.

chaoskagami commented 8 years ago

Or maybe not. I'm wrong. That said, there were a bunch of other issues with the ebuild that I'm surprised about.

Can you dump another log here, @latot? find /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999

I think some strange things are happening here, but the work directory isn't enough. I need the whole portage shit list for this one.

latot commented 8 years ago

logs logs!

chaoskagami commented 8 years ago

Okay, one more. If my suspicions are correct, at least.

file /var/tmp/portage/games-emulation/rpcs3-9999/work/rpcs3-9999_build/rpcs3/rpcs3

I think it's dumping the executable inside the rpcs3 directory. If that says it's an ELF, I'll patch it up and commit.

This one should be short. No need for a text dump.

chaoskagami commented 8 years ago

I commited a patch, along with a bunch of other fixups for shit in chaos-overlay. Go ahead and try now. You may need to remove the source in distfiles, since upstream is RPCS3/rpcs3 now and needs to be resynced.

latot commented 8 years ago

Hi thx for the fix, la little thing: the egit is :

chaoskagami commented 8 years ago

It's not necessary to append .git to github URLs, unless that has changed. Git automatically treats https URLs as if they have that at the end.

That is the URL in the ebuild I commited, therefore, no changes are needed.

Delete the source from distfiles and try building it. If it works, close this. If not, post here.