chaoss / augur

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Github topics addition to the augur schema #2755

Open cdolfi opened 3 months ago

cdolfi commented 3 months ago

Projects more and mroe are using the self identified github topics feature: Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 10 59 24 AM Topics are the ones in the blue circle Link to topics overall:

It would be incredibly helpful to have this information a part of Augur.

Note: there is a bit of name collision happening as in the "repo_info" table there is a "topic_words" column. I was a little confused initially as I thought that was what that column data was.

sgoggins commented 1 month ago

This graphql query will help:

  query {
  repository(owner:"kubernetes", name:"kubernetes") {
    repositoryTopics(first:10) {
      edges {
        node {