chaoss / augur

Python library and web service for Open Source Software Health and Sustainability metrics & data collection. You can find our documentation and new contributor information easily here: and learn more about Augur at our website
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Trouble using public instances #2785

Closed alexey-milovidov closed 4 weeks ago

alexey-milovidov commented 2 months ago


I tried and

I cannot find my repository ( in the suggest. However, I found some other repositories with clickhouse strings, seemingly random.

When I select one of them, a very beautiful cube animation starts to show. It showed for multiple minutes, making the impression that the website did not work. Then it stops and the small phrase "Data Ready" appears.

Anyway, it is unclear how to use it after "Data Ready". When I switch to another tab, e.g., "repo overview", it shows the data for another repo, probably, "chaoss".

Also, the suggest looks rusty...


My browser is Chromium on Linux.

By the way, it is not possible to close suggest from this state.

How to reproduce:

  1. Go to the public service by a link.
  2. Click on suggest.

PS. This is unsolicited, unfiltered usability feedback. Sorry if it was not appropriate. Feel free to close if the report does not fit here.

sgoggins commented 1 month ago

@alexey-milovidov : Did you add clickhouse/clickhouse to collection at The site is not for all repos. We need somebody to tell us which ones are of interest. :)