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Repo_name and Repository are the same thing in different git based schemas #332

Open jsmanrique opened 6 years ago

jsmanrique commented 6 years ago

It would help having the same field name (repo_nameor repository) for the name of the repository in the git related data indexes. Currently, they are different names for the same things in git and areas_of_code data schema.

canasdiaz commented 1 year ago

If you are suffering this issue: as a workaround you can create a scripted field that copies repo_name to "repository" in the "git" index.

canasdiaz commented 1 year ago

There is a strong limitation here as it is not possible to pin a repository in any of the Git dedicated dashboards and use that filter in the Areas of Code repository. My proposal here is to add the repository field and mark repo_name as deprecated. In the meantime applying the workaround manually should solve it.

fioddor commented 1 year ago

The current mess:

index pattern repository repo_name github_repo gitlab_repo origin tag url
git missing available short missing available available missing
git_areas_of_code available missing missing missing available missing missing
git_releases missing available short missing available available missing
github_repositories missing missing missing missing available available available
github_issues linked missing short linked missing available available other content
github2_issues available missing short missing available available other content
github2_pull_requests available missing short missing available available other content
gitlab_issues linked missing missing short encoded encoded other content
gitlab_merge_requests linked missing missing short encoded encoded other content
gerrit short missing missing missing domain domain other content
canasdiaz commented 1 year ago

I think it is very important first to unify the criteria with the git based repos. We can discuss later about the GitHub/Lab ones.

fioddor commented 2 months ago

Let's take the sanitized full git https URL as baseline:

sanitize: strip user and password if present in the URL.

Then we can derive the URL usual in Github/GitLab, e.g. the git URL without the .git extension:

The path to repo within the forge

The (clean) repository name

We might also need the slug (the current github_repo field).

The forge instance domain:

The Github owner:

The GitLab group: