chaoss / grimoirelab

GrimoireLab: platform for software development analytics and insights
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Set of sirmordred.task_manager - ERROR: TypeError: string indices must be integers #593

Closed GrayStranger closed 1 year ago

GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

Hello, all

Thanks in advance for support :)

I have pack of errors in all.log:

2023-05-07 12:03:10,196 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [gitlab:merge] Executing studies ['enrich_onion:gitlab-merge']
2023-05-07 12:03:10,197 - sirmordred.task_manager - ERROR - [gitlab:merge] Exception in Task Manager string indices must be integers
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 99, in run
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 453, in execute
    raise e
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 443, in execute
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 352, in __studies
    alias = [study_alias['alias'] for study_alias in study_aliases if study_arg['type'] == study_alias['name']]
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 352, in <listcomp>
    alias = [study_alias['alias'] for study_alias in study_aliases if study_arg['type'] == study_alias['name']]
TypeError: string indices must be integers
2023-05-07 12:06:19,740 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [git] Executing studies ['enrich_demography:git', 'enrich_areas_of_code:git', 'enrich_onion:git', 'enrich_git_branches:git']
2023-05-07 12:06:19,741 - sirmordred.task_manager - ERROR - [git] Exception in Task Manager string indices must be integers
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 99, in run
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 453, in execute
    raise e
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 443, in execute
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 352, in __studies
    alias = [study_alias['alias'] for study_alias in study_aliases if study_arg['type'] == study_alias['name']]
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 352, in <listcomp>
    alias = [study_alias['alias'] for study_alias in study_aliases if study_arg['type'] == study_alias['name']]
TypeError: string indices must be integers
2023-05-07 12:11:03,088 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [colic] Executing studies ['enrich_colic_analysis']
2023-05-07 12:11:03,089 - sirmordred.task_manager - ERROR - [colic] Exception in Task Manager string indices must be integers
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 99, in run
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 453, in execute
    raise e
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 443, in execute
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 352, in __studies
    alias = [study_alias['alias'] for study_alias in study_aliases if study_arg['type'] == study_alias['name']]
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/sirmordred/", line 352, in <listcomp>
    alias = [study_alias['alias'] for study_alias in study_aliases if study_arg['type'] == study_alias['name']]
TypeError: string indices must be integers

At the same time in panel following errors of visualisations (may be it could be connected, some problem with indexes? No idea hoe to fix :(

Error in visualization

Request to Elasticsearch failed: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"No mapping found for [grimoire_creation_date] in order to sort on","index_uuid":"od6-orTyRMqTGmzk9ceK2g","index":"gitlab-mrs_enriched"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"gitlab-mrs_enriched","node":"S80PmMojRfqPblvaEGD_1w","reason":{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"No mapping found for [grimoire_creation_date] in order to sort on","index_uuid":"od6-orTyRMqTGmzk9ceK2g","index":"gitlab-mrs_enriched"}}]},"status":400}
Error in visualization

Request to Elasticsearch failed: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"No mapping found for [grimoire_creation_date] in order to sort on","index_uuid":"9mMUIgwFTsC0E9Nt6nO2-Q","index":"cocom_chaoss_enrich"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"cocom_chaoss_enrich","node":"S80PmMojRfqPblvaEGD_1w","reason":{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"No mapping found for [grimoire_creation_date] in order to sort on","index_uuid":"9mMUIgwFTsC0E9Nt6nO2-Q","index":"cocom_chaoss_enrich"}}]},"status":400}
Error in visualization

Request to Elasticsearch failed: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"No mapping found for [grimoire_creation_date] in order to sort on","index_uuid":"_hGzw1CgRS-tRebFOOpiog","index":"colic_chaoss_enrich"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"colic_chaoss_enrich","node":"S80PmMojRfqPblvaEGD_1w","reason":{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"No mapping found for [grimoire_creation_date] in order to sort on","index_uuid":"_hGzw1CgRS-tRebFOOpiog","index":"colic_chaoss_enrich"}}]},"status":400}


green  open .kibana_5           GX5p_BC6Tm2hB4sphWDn4w 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
yellow open jira_enrich         RnPKFKdWTb-VrfsQcVNdgQ 5 1 404333 113401   1.5gb   1.5gb
yellow open cocom_chaoss        4g9jybfLTh6iDfwqNxJUIQ 5 1    964    227   5.3mb   5.3mb
yellow open gitlab-mrs_enriched od6-orTyRMqTGmzk9ceK2g 5 1      0      0   1.2kb   1.2kb
green  open .kibana_2           8b_HIoP-TJWYarHTwN1edA 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
yellow open git-raw             uMyAHdwNSoG_6rOvZFKaGg 5 1   5542   1601    38mb    38mb
yellow open cocom_chaoss_enrich 9mMUIgwFTsC0E9Nt6nO2-Q 5 1      0      0   1.2kb   1.2kb
yellow open colic_chaoss_enrich _hGzw1CgRS-tRebFOOpiog 5 1      0      0   1.2kb   1.2kb
green  open .kibana_6           vjD1TIkXRMuk1s5-S6TH9g 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
green  open .kibana_3           UbJAOb4kTPehI0fVbfiw0w 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
yellow open git_enriched        PRshHuHWSbyguSCpg9dC0Q 5 1   5542    402  19.6mb  19.6mb
yellow open gitlab-mrs_raw      3eHyDVe0QliMMPP-1l7W1w 5 1      0      0   1.2kb   1.2kb
yellow open jira_raw            n1Jm6rZLTFCGafFYkllVAg 5 1  88703      0   1.9gb   1.9gb
yellow open .grimoirelab-sigils NMQ0V15CR1SkXbs7-oiShg 5 1     39      2  96.1kb  96.1kb
yellow open colic_chaoss        RNWZyqGmQGW2C1EnjSsVCA 5 1    753     67 899.6kb 899.6kb
green  open .kibana_1           sgRdH1JhRaOAjmRyozlLQQ 1 0    222     27 384.5kb 384.5kb
green  open .kibana_4           nuWVZ8rQQO6zKCbk5zW3Tg 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb


cocom-raw                 cocom_chaoss        - - -
affiliations              jira_enrich         - - -
all_enriched              jira_enrich         - - -
all_enriched_tickets      jira_enrich         - - -
jira                      jira_enrich         - - -
jira_resolution_date      jira_enrich         - - -
cocom                     cocom_chaoss_enrich - - -
gitlab_merge_requests-raw gitlab-mrs_raw      - - -
affiliations              gitlab-mrs_enriched - - -
all_enriched              gitlab-mrs_enriched - - -
gitlab_merge_requests     gitlab-mrs_enriched - - -
jira-raw                  jira_raw            - - -
.kibana                   .kibana_6           - - -
colic-raw                 colic_chaoss        - - -
affiliations              git_enriched        - - -
all_enriched              git_enriched        - - -
git                       git_enriched        - - -
git_author                git_enriched        - - -
git_enrich                git_enriched        - - -
colic                     colic_chaoss_enrich - - -
GrayStranger commented 1 year ago


short_name = SHRTNM
update = true
min_update_delay = 60
debug = false
logs_dir = /home/grimoire/logs
bulk_size = 1000
scroll_size = 100
aliases_file = /home/grimoire/conf/aliases.json

projects_file = /home/grimoire/conf/projects.json

url = http://elasticsearch:9200

url = http://elasticsearch:9200
autorefresh = true

host = mariadb
user = root
password =
database = demo_sh
load_orgs = true
orgs_file = /home/grimoire/conf/organizations.json
autoprofile = [jira, gitlab, git]
matching = [email,email-name,username]
sleep_for = 30
affiliate = true
unaffiliated_group = Unknown
strict_mapping = false
reset_on_load = false
identities_format = grimoirelab
identities_file = [/home/grimoire/conf/identities.yml]
autogender = true

kibiter_time_from = now-90d
kibiter_default_index = git
kibiter_url = http://kibiter:5601
kibiter_version = 6.8.6-3
gitlab-merges = true
code-license = true
code-complexity = true

collection = true
identities = true
enrichment = true
panels = true

raw_index = git-raw
enriched_index = git_enriched
latest-items = true
studies = [enrich_demography:git, enrich_areas_of_code:git, enrich_onion:git, enrich_git_branches:git]

category = merge_request
raw_index = gitlab-mrs_raw
enriched_index = gitlab-mrs_enriched
api-token = ***
sleep-for-rate = true
no-archive = true
studies = [enrich_onion:gitlab-merge]
enterprise-url = "***"

raw_index = jira_raw
enriched_index = jira_enrich
no-archive = true
backend-user = ***
backend-password = ***

#raw_index = rocketchat_raw
#enriched_index = rocketchat_enriched
#api-token = ***
#sleep-for-rate = true
#user-id = ***
#no-archive = true

raw_index = cocom_chaoss
enriched_index = cocom_chaoss_enrich
category = code_complexity_lizard_file
studies = [enrich_cocom_analysis]
branches = main

out_index = cocom_chaoss_study
interval_months = [3]

raw_index = colic_chaoss
enriched_index = colic_chaoss_enrich
category = code_license_nomos
studies = [enrich_colic_analysis]
exec-path = /usr/share/fossology/nomos/agent/nomossa
branches = main


#raw_index = confluence_raw
#enriched_index = confluence_enriched
#no-archive = true



in_index = git-raw
out_index = git-aoc_enriched

in_index = git_enriched
out_index = git-onion_enriched

in_index =  gitlab-mrs_enriched
out_index = gitlab-mrs-onion_enriched
data_source = gitlab-merges

out_index = git_study_forecast

GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

Any ideas what's going wrong? :)

zhquan commented 1 year ago

Hi @FixItNowPlease

Could you tell me your mordred version?

GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

Hi @FixItNowPlease

Could you tell me your mordred version?


0.7.1 based on docker-compose conf, I rolled back from latest because of connection to mariadb issue (

GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

I just figured out that there is no "git-raw" alias in elastic aliases and this in logs:

grimoire_elk.elastic - WARNING - Something went wrong when adding an alias on http://elasticsearch:9200/git-raw. Alias not set. 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: http://elasticsearch:9200/_aliases

git section of aliases.json

  "git": {
    "raw": [
        "alias": "git-raw"
    "enrich": [
        "alias": "git"
        "alias": "git_author"
        "alias": "git_enrich"
        "alias": "affiliations"
        "alias": "all_enriched"

and this in "setup.cfg":

raw_index = git-raw
enriched_index = git_enriched
latest-items = true
studies = [enrich_demography:git, enrich_areas_of_code:git, enrich_onion:git, enrich_git_branches:git]

in_index = git-raw
out_index = git-aoc_enriched


green  open .kibana_5           GX5p_BC6Tm2hB4sphWDn4w 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
yellow open jira_enrich         RnPKFKdWTb-VrfsQcVNdgQ 5 1 404333 113864   1.4gb   1.4gb
green  open .kibana_8           5wY-bdidQdmzAVn2QOUy_g 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
yellow open cocom_chaoss        4g9jybfLTh6iDfwqNxJUIQ 5 1    978    157   3.8mb   3.8mb
yellow open gitlab-mrs_enriched od6-orTyRMqTGmzk9ceK2g 5 1    226     15 453.7kb 453.7kb
green  open .kibana_2           8b_HIoP-TJWYarHTwN1edA 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
green  open .kibana_9           RV17j5TDRVC4BMtDgbaU8A 1 0    222      3 315.7kb 315.7kb
yellow open git-raw             uMyAHdwNSoG_6rOvZFKaGg 5 1   5542    646  25.6mb  25.6mb
yellow open cocom_chaoss_enrich 9mMUIgwFTsC0E9Nt6nO2-Q 5 1      0      0   1.2kb   1.2kb
yellow open colic_chaoss_enrich _hGzw1CgRS-tRebFOOpiog 5 1      0      0   1.2kb   1.2kb
green  open .kibana_6           vjD1TIkXRMuk1s5-S6TH9g 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
green  open .kibana_3           UbJAOb4kTPehI0fVbfiw0w 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
green  open .kibana_10          w5-cjllyROeBOGxbHO0zqw 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
yellow open git_enriched        PRshHuHWSbyguSCpg9dC0Q 5 1   5542   1589  16.7mb  16.7mb
yellow open gitlab-mrs_raw      3eHyDVe0QliMMPP-1l7W1w 5 1    226     12     4mb     4mb
green  open .kibana_7           pse7SRwwTCOesbt1VXgyEA 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb
yellow open jira_raw            n1Jm6rZLTFCGafFYkllVAg 5 1  88703      0   1.9gb   1.9gb
yellow open .grimoirelab-sigils NMQ0V15CR1SkXbs7-oiShg 5 1     39      2  96.1kb  96.1kb
yellow open colic_chaoss        RNWZyqGmQGW2C1EnjSsVCA 5 1    753     21 823.9kb 823.9kb
green  open .kibana_1           sgRdH1JhRaOAjmRyozlLQQ 1 0    222     27 384.5kb 384.5kb
green  open .kibana_4           nuWVZ8rQQO6zKCbk5zW3Tg 1 0    222      3 313.3kb 313.3kb


jira-raw                  jira_raw            - - -
affiliations              jira_enrich         - - -
all_enriched              jira_enrich         - - -
all_enriched_tickets      jira_enrich         - - -
jira                      jira_enrich         - - -
jira_resolution_date      jira_enrich         - - -
cocom                     cocom_chaoss_enrich - - -
affiliations              gitlab-mrs_enriched - - -
all_enriched              gitlab-mrs_enriched - - -
gitlab_merge_requests     gitlab-mrs_enriched - - -
colic                     colic_chaoss_enrich - - -
colic-raw                 colic_chaoss        - - -
cocom-raw                 cocom_chaoss        - - -
affiliations              git_enriched        - - -
all_enriched              git_enriched        - - -
git                       git_enriched        - - -
git_author                git_enriched        - - -
git_enrich                git_enriched        - - -
gitlab_merge_requests-raw gitlab-mrs_raw      - - -
.kibana                   .kibana_10          - - -

no idea is it connected and how to fix in case if it is.

zhquan commented 1 year ago

It seems that Mordred cannot create the alias git-raw because you named the raw_index the same as the alias. Could you try it but use another name like git_raw?

raw_index = git_raw
enriched_index = git_enriched
latest-items = false
studies = [enrich_demography:git, enrich_areas_of_code:git, enrich_onion:git, enrich_git_branches:git]

in_index = git_raw
out_index = git-aoc_enriched

PS: deactivate latest-items = false or remove the clones

GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

i had the same thought yesterday evening and already done it, now i have this in indexes and aliases, no corresponding errors in log. But "string indices must be integers" - still in place.

yellow open gitlab-mrs_enriched 3IhJp1LTTPO6QikHPmeKBw 5 1    226     0 407.7kb 407.7kb
yellow open cocom_chaoss_enrich Ctex26kfQXaXyb4_dTvDIg 5 1      0     0   1.2kb   1.2kb
yellow open jira_enriched       Ky3pS7hEROuzlRK9EEuA5g 5 1 404333 67951   2.4gb   2.4gb
yellow open .grimoirelab-sigils FT_hBfluQ8ujaCtWx7WD4Q 5 1     39     2  79.7kb  79.7kb
yellow open git_raw             MzxbIEqySxyngaNFFj6eXw 5 1   2686     0     5mb     5mb
yellow open cocom_chaoss        oLPij7K5TYGp65BjMoy-zA 5 1    712     0   1.7mb   1.7mb
yellow open colic_chaoss        qWZizWvQQ3CBNhTIcSbV8g 5 1    615     0 998.9kb 998.9kb
yellow open jira_raw            s90XJ9pwTT6n_G3p4hUB3A 5 1  88703     0   1.9gb   1.9gb
yellow open git_enriched        G1uMgVmiSFSIuP_-95CmZA 5 1   2686     0   4.8mb   4.8mb
green  open .kibana_1           zjug6pspSRaA3DymhGKt-A 1 0    222    27 374.5kb 374.5kb
yellow open colic_chaoss_enrich p6K1gyTPQZqeub5Y4wbpGg 5 1      0     0   1.2kb   1.2kb
yellow open gitlab-mrs_raw      QQKCAkYPTr6SXBChv1M6GQ 5 1    226     0   3.5mb   3.5mb
affiliations              git_enriched        - - -
all_enriched              git_enriched        - - -
git                       git_enriched        - - -
git_author                git_enriched        - - -
git_enrich                git_enriched        - - -
cocom-raw                 cocom_chaoss        - - -
jira-raw                  jira_raw            - - -
git-raw                   git_raw             - - -
colic                     colic_chaoss_enrich - - -
cocom                     cocom_chaoss_enrich - - -
.kibana                   .kibana_1           - - -
affiliations              jira_enriched       - - -
all_enriched              jira_enriched       - - -
all_enriched_tickets      jira_enriched       - - -
jira                      jira_enriched       - - -
jira_resolution_date      jira_enriched       - - -
affiliations              gitlab-mrs_enriched - - -
all_enriched              gitlab-mrs_enriched - - -
gitlab_merge_requests     gitlab-mrs_enriched - - -
gitlab_merge_requests-raw gitlab-mrs_raw      - - -
colic-raw                 colic_chaoss        - - -
GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

and after index name has been corrected - i had restarted all from scratch.

sudo docker compose down --remove-orphans
sudo docker system prune -a --volumes
sudo rm -rf ~/
sudo rm -rf ~/
zhquan commented 1 year ago

I cannot reproduce the error

2023-05-10 14:27:58,999 - sirmordred.task_collection - INFO - [git] collection phase starts
2023-05-10 14:27:59,001 - sirmordred.task_collection - INFO - [git] collection starts for
2023-05-10 14:28:36,230 - sirmordred.task_collection - INFO - [git] collection phase finished in 00:00:37
2023-05-10 14:28:46,251 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [git] enrichment phase starts
2023-05-10 14:28:53,501 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [git] enrichment phase finished in 0:00:07
2023-05-10 14:28:59,196 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [git] studies phase start
2023-05-10 14:29:01,283 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [git] Executing studies ['enrich_demography:git', 'enrich_areas_of_code:git', 'enrich_onion:git']
2023-05-10 14:29:01,285 - grimoire_elk.elk - INFO - [git] Starting study: enrich_demography:git, params {'alias': 'demographics'}
2023-05-10 14:29:01,285 - grimoire_elk.enriched.enrich - INFO - [git] Demography starting study http://elasticsearch:9200/git_demo_enriched
2023-05-10 14:29:02,545 - grimoire_elk.enriched.enrich - INFO - [git] Demography Creating alias: demographics
2023-05-10 14:29:02,571 - grimoire_elk.elastic - INFO - Alias demographics created on http://elasticsearch:9200/git_demo_enriched.
2023-05-10 14:29:02,571 - grimoire_elk.enriched.enrich - INFO - [git] Demography end http://elasticsearch:9200/git_demo_enriched
2023-05-10 14:29:02,571 - grimoire_elk.elk - INFO - [git] Starting study: enrich_areas_of_code:git, params {'in_index': 'git_demo_raw', 'out_index': 'git-aoc_demo_enriched', 'alias': 'git_areas_of_code'}
2023-05-10 14:29:12,204 - grimoire_elk.enriched.git - INFO - [git] study areas_of_code creating alias: git_areas_of_code
2023-05-10 14:29:12,214 - grimoire_elk.enriched.git - INFO - [git] study areas_of_code end
2023-05-10 14:29:12,223 - grimoire_elk.elk - INFO - [git] Starting study: enrich_onion:git, params {'in_index': 'git', 'out_index': 'git-onion_demo_enriched', 'contribs_field': 'hash', 'alias': 'all_onion'}
2023-05-10 14:29:19,801 - grimoire_elk.enriched.enrich - INFO - [git] study onion Creating alias: all_onion
2023-05-10 14:29:19,811 - grimoire_elk.enriched.enrich - INFO - [git] study onion end
2023-05-10 14:29:19,812 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [git] studies phase end
2023-05-10 14:29:19,812 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [git] autorefresh for studies start
2023-05-10 14:29:19,877 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [git] Refreshing identities
2023-05-10 14:29:30,005 - sirmordred.task_enrich - INFO - [git] autorefresh for studies end
2023-05-10 14:29:30,006 - sirmordred.task_manager - INFO - [git] sleeping for 60 seconds

Here is my setup.cfg

raw_index = git_demo_raw
enriched_index = git_demo_enriched
latest-items = true
studies = [enrich_demography:git, enrich_areas_of_code:git, enrich_onion:git]


in_index = git_demo_raw
out_index = git-aoc_demo_enriched

in_index = git
out_index = git-onion_demo_enriched
contribs_field = hash


GET _cat/indices?s=i

yellow open git-aoc_demo_enriched   Iv2j3INsS6KwQTRnrlel_A 5 1 3110  0   3.2mb   3.2mb
yellow open git-onion_demo_enriched Pw4B80d-QLegUBxHLh0roA 5 1  464  0 397.9kb 397.9kb
yellow open git_demo_enriched       O2wMSW_aRCKbWG-eaLjPPA 5 1  643  5   1.8mb   1.8mb
yellow open git_demo_raw            MDk1I0hATuiESqXB4G4yBQ 5 1  643  0   1.4mb   1.4mb

I'm using these versions

$ docker ps | awk '{print $2}'
zhquan commented 1 year ago

Could you run these command?

$ docker exec <mordred_container_name> tail -n 21 aliases.json
  "studies_aliases": {
    "enrich": [
        "alias": "all_onion",
        "name": "enrich_onion"
        "alias": "demographics",
        "name": "enrich_demography"
        "alias": "demographics_contribution",
        "name": "enrich_demography_contribution"
        "alias": "git_areas_of_code",
        "name": "enrich_areas_of_code"

$  docker exec <mordred_container_name> tail -n 21 conf/aliases.json
tail: cannot open 'con/aliases.json' for reading: No such file or directory

I see in your setup.cfg that your aliases file are in /home/grimoire/conf/aliases.json

aliases_file = /home/grimoire/conf/aliases.json
GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

I see the difference between my one and yours setup.cfg:

your setup:

in_index = git
out_index = git-onion_demo_enriched
**contribs_field = hash**

my one:

in_index = git_enriched
out_index = git-onion_enriched

My versions of images:


it seems that im not needed in watchtower because of stricketed versions of images but...

im rebuilding mordred image on load: docker-compose:

      restart: on-failure:100
        context: .
        dockerfile: mordred.upgraded.yml
        - ../grimoirelab-settings/setup.cfg:/home/grimoire/conf/setup.cfg
        - ../grimoirelab-settings/aliases.json:/home/grimoire/conf/aliases.json
        - ../grimoirelab-settings/projects.json:/home/grimoire/conf/projects.json
        - ../grimoirelab-settings/organizations.json:/home/grimoire/conf/organizations.json
        - ../grimoirelab-settings/identities.yml:/home/grimoire/conf/identities.yml
        - ../logs:/home/grimoire/logs
        - mariadb
        - elasticsearch
      mem_limit: 4g

dockerfile mordred.upgraded.yml:

FROM grimoirelab/grimoirelab:0.7.1

RUN sudo apt update
RUN sudo apt install -y cloc && sudo apt install -y wget
RUN wget
RUN tar -xzf FOSSology-3.11.0-ubuntu-focal.tar.gz
RUN sudo apt-get -y install ./packages/fossology-common_3.11.0-1_amd64.deb && wget
RUN sudo apt-get -y install ./libjson-c4_0.13.1+dfsg-7ubuntu0.3_amd64.deb
RUN sudo apt-get -y install ./packages/fossology-nomos_3.11.0-1_amd64.deb%
GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

Could you run these command?

you want me to add aliases for "studies_aliases" in aliases.json in runtime? I could just add it in the file via vi, is it ok?

I see in your setup.cfg that your aliases file are in /home/grimoire/conf/aliases.json

Yes, all confs there:

grimoire@8ecb6266d80d:~$ ls /home/grimoire/conf/
aliases.json  identities.yml  organizations.json  projects.json  requirements.txt  setup.cfg
GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

I have added aliases in the aliases.json and

contribs_field = hash

to [enrich_onion:git]

and restarted all set of containers (think that only mordred has to be restarted)

so i have got studies working! lets give them some time to generate logs.

zhquan commented 1 year ago

You can try to change the aliases file path to aliases_file = /home/grimoire/aliases.json on your setup.cfg and remove it from the Mordred volumes - ../grimoirelab-settings/aliases.json:/home/grimoire/conf/aliases.json. By default, Mordred has that file on /home/grimoire/aliases.json

GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

it seems that i lost "affiliations/identities" for git :(... all identities separated again. It is still OK for Jira and at the begining point for git... But studies works well - a lot of new erniched data. "Organizations" also in place.

May be it has been overwrited be some study enrichment and has not done yet?

[git] Refreshing identities - present, it seems works, but identities are separated for git.

Update: identities merged (through git with no Jira identity), BUT Profile name == email_name and email field of profile lost (empty)....

This happends because of: contribs_field = hash?

GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

One more question (it's mentioned in first message) related to indexes: errors in visualisations cocom and colic. It seems that it is because of cocom and colic enriched indexes are not fulfilled. Which way i should digging?

released setup.cfg:

raw_index = cocom_chaoss
enriched_index = cocom_chaoss_enrich
category = code_complexity_lizard_file
studies = [enrich_cocom_analysis]
branches = main

out_index = cocom_chaoss_study
interval_months = [3]

raw_index = colic_chaoss
enriched_index = colic_chaoss_enrich
category = code_license_nomos
studies = [enrich_colic_analysis]
exec-path = /usr/share/fossology/nomos/agent/nomossa
branches = main

zhquan commented 1 year ago

May be it has been overwrited be some study enrichment and has not done yet?

I don't think so, the studies do not separate any identities

[git] Refreshing identities - present, it seems works, but identities are separated for git.

This is strange, do you mean that Mordred in the first [git] Refreshing identities works but after the studies, these are separated for git?

According to your configuration (matching = [email,email-name,username]), it will merge if the name, email, or username are the same.

Update: identities merged (through git with no Jira identity), BUT Profile name == email_name and email field of profile lost (empty)....

I'm not sure but maybe some users fill their profile and set the name with the email.

This happends because of: contribs_field = hash?

No, by default Mordred will always add that field if it is not set.

zhquan commented 1 year ago
Error in visualization

Request to Elasticsearch failed: {"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"No mapping found for [grimoire_creation_date] in order to sort on","index_uuid":"_hGzw1CgRS-tRebFOOpiog","index":"colic_chaoss_enrich"}],"type":"search_phase_execution_exception","reason":"all shards failed","phase":"query","grouped":true,"failed_shards":[{"shard":0,"index":"colic_chaoss_enrich","node":"S80PmMojRfqPblvaEGD_1w","reason":{"type":"query_shard_exception","reason":"No mapping found for [grimoire_creation_date] in order to sort on","index_uuid":"_hGzw1CgRS-tRebFOOpiog","index":"colic_chaoss_enrich"}}]},"status":400}

All enriched indexes should have the grimoire_creation_date field, could you remove your old enriched and studies indexes of cocom and colic and let Mordred create them again?

You can go to Discover, select the index pattern (cocom or colic), and check if they have grimoire_creation_date field

GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

It seems that cocom and colic indexes had not been enriched for some reason:

yellow open jira_raw                  9VuIrFcVSzO8RDVu1aZPZA 5 1  88710      0   1.9gb   1.9gb
green  open .kibana_1                 dBaqejz5S_Cdh7K9HERMEg 1 0    222     30   396kb   396kb
yellow open cocom_chaoss_enrich       Py9ZOCeQT1CyADod3Tu_UA 5 1      0      0   1.2kb   1.2kb
yellow open git-onion_enriched        uMZ0ghs_TtKav9q20tc6bg 5 1    424      0 276.5kb 276.5kb
yellow open colic_enrich_graal_repo   QLhAZkqDSwulYDdV6tz-cw 5 1      0      0   1.2kb   1.2kb
yellow open gitlab-mrs_enriched       SPSM7OgCTjy5rR3dSKEgTg 5 1    226     16 761.6kb 761.6kb
yellow open gitlab-mrs_raw            LoHikloiQGmle7mZ39yPwA 5 1    226     12     4mb     4mb
yellow open cocom_chaoss              UNonOAOaShW_KqvNPzVgpg 5 1    433     92   1.5mb   1.5mb
yellow open colic_chaoss_enrich       Z_rUvr8STz2ZBVDnzG4Wnw 5 1      0      0   1.2kb   1.2kb
yellow open gitlab-mrs-onion_enriched D543vaNGSBa5-EeqrHd8hQ 5 1    176      0 166.7kb 166.7kb
yellow open cocom_chaoss_study        dakAZDiLRNap2SULFGKmkg 5 1      0      0   1.2kb   1.2kb
yellow open git_enriched              bHUu-2T0SByldj6qE2ptuA 5 1   2686    743  16.3mb  16.3mb
yellow open .grimoirelab-sigils       n7LjlMTqSwWEgflr3amTzA 5 1     39      2  79.7kb  79.7kb
yellow open git-aoc_enriched          e9lPQXH0SWqpdOKH99AfxA 5 1  22736    946  23.1mb  23.1mb
yellow open colic_chaoss              5i1TXZdYS4Sdp3lNmHOPOA 5 1    709     74   1.1mb   1.1mb
yellow open jira_enriched             7y0OlYGwS0CuAj2arpTysg 5 1 404354 111126   3.4gb   3.4gb
yellow open git_raw                   aFCLUpzWTZSHj7D0e5RA9g 5 1   2686      0     5mb     5mb

setup.cfg for cocom and colic:

raw_index = cocom_chaoss
enriched_index = cocom_chaoss_enrich
category = code_complexity_lizard_file
studies = [enrich_cocom_analysis]
branches = main

out_index = cocom_chaoss_study
interval_months = [3]

raw_index = colic_chaoss
enriched_index = colic_chaoss_enrich
category = code_license_nomos
studies = [enrich_colic_analysis]
exec-path = /usr/share/fossology/nomos/agent/nomossa
branches = main


do I need to specify "branches = main" here? Most of repos has unpredictable names and count of brunches...

GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

You can go to Discover, select the index pattern (cocom or colic), and check if they have grimoire_creation_date field

no any fields in cocom or colic patterns.

CleanShot 2023-05-11 at 18 37 21@2x CleanShot 2023-05-11 at 18 42 34@2x
GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

All enriched indexes should have the grimoire_creation_date field, could you remove your old enriched and studies indexes of cocom and colic and let Mordred create them again?

of course, but i don't know how to remove particular index :)

zhquan commented 1 year ago

of course, but i don't know how to remove particular index :)

DELETE <index_name>

In your case:

DELETE cocom_chaoss_enrich
DELETE cocom_chaoss_study
DELETE colic_chaoss_enrich
GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

indexes re-created, I have 2 types of errors in log:

2023-05-12 12:33:15,514 - grimoire_elk.elk - ERROR - Error feeding raw from cocom (https://repourl/reponame1.git): git command - 'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
 (return code: 128)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/grimoire_elk/", line 203, in feed_backend
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/grimoire_elk/raw/", line 234, in feed
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/grimoire_elk/raw/", line 250, in feed_items
    for item in items:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/", line 316, in fetch
    for item in self.fetch_items(category, **kwargs):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/graal/", line 184, in fetch_items
    for commit in commits:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/backends/core/", line 164, in fetch_items
    for commit in commits:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/backends/core/", line 259, in parse_git_log_from_iter
    for commit in parser.parse():
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/backends/core/", line 542, in parse
    for line in
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/backends/core/", line 1057, in log
    for line in self._exec_nb(cmd_log, cwd=self.dirpath, env=self.gitenv):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/backends/core/", line 1287, in _exec_nb
    raise RepositoryError(cause=cause)
perceval.errors.RepositoryError: git command - 'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
 (return code: 128)
2023-05-12 19:07:43,785 - grimoire_elk.elk - ERROR - Error feeding raw from colic (https://repourl/reponame2): git command - 'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
 (return code: 128)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/grimoire_elk/", line 203, in feed_backend
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/grimoire_elk/raw/", line 234, in feed
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/grimoire_elk/raw/", line 250, in feed_items
    for item in items:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/", line 316, in fetch
    for item in self.fetch_items(category, **kwargs):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/graal/", line 184, in fetch_items
    for commit in commits:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/backends/core/", line 164, in fetch_items
    for commit in commits:
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/backends/core/", line 259, in parse_git_log_from_iter
    for commit in parser.parse():
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/backends/core/", line 542, in parse
    for line in
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/backends/core/", line 1057, in log
    for line in self._exec_nb(cmd_log, cwd=self.dirpath, env=self.gitenv):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/perceval/backends/core/", line 1287, in _exec_nb
    raise RepositoryError(cause=cause)
perceval.errors.RepositoryError: git command - 'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'
 (return code: 128)
zhquan commented 1 year ago

Hi @FixItNowPlease

If the TypeError: string indices must be integers was fixed using the latest version of the aliases.json (on mordred container at /home/grimoire/aliases.json).

Could you please create a new issue with the perceval.errors.RepositoryError: git command - 'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]' error and close this one? This way if someone has the same error it is easier to find it, thanks

GrayStranger commented 1 year ago

Thank you @zhquan for your help. Yes, aliases from container work well. Ok, will open new issue for new error :).

Thanks a lot again.