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GSOC Micro-tasks and questions #708

Closed klumb closed 1 year ago

klumb commented 2 years ago

Idea: Build Knowledgebase Application on CHAOSS Website

Hours: 350

Micro-tasks and place for questions:

While much of the work of CHAOSS is done in GitHub, the CHAOSS website is often the first place people visit to get information The goal of the website is to create clear paths for new members who want to contribute, metrics users who want information about metrics, and existing members who need information about project operations. As project grows, there is a need for alternative display and categorization options for knowledgebase topics to reduce the burden on website visitors in finding the information that they need.

Work on this project would require the student to work closely with the mentors and the community to come up with different display and categorization options for CHAOSS Knowledge Base topics. CHAOSS knowledgebase topics that are currently under consideration for this application are released metrics, metrics models, and contributor handbook information. Information about these topics are captured and stored in GitHub repositories by the relevant working groups. The application will need to pull information from github markdown documents to display on the website knowledge base application (we have existing code that does this).

The aims of the project are as follows:

Use Wordpress to implement a knowledge application (example knowledgebase plugin up for consideration - 
Research and ideate different display options and categorizations for knowledgebase topics.
Build web pages to display different knowledgebase topics.

The aims will require working with front-end web development technologies and WordPress to build a knowledgebase application that can display information about knowledgebase topics.

Difficulty: Low
Requirements: Interest in front-end web development
Recommended: Experience with Wordpress, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and GitHub Markdown
Mentors: Kevin Lumbard, Matt Germonprez, and Elizabeth Barron
klumb commented 2 years ago

Micro-task 1:

Micro-task 2:

Micro-tasks 3:

Micro-tasks 4:

yash-yp commented 2 years ago

Hi @klumb,

I would like to work on this project as a student for GSoC'22.

yaodada123 commented 2 years ago

Basically, wordpress is a way to build web pages for visitors to browse and implement two knowledge base plugins to facilitate theme switching, right?

klumb commented 2 years ago

Welcome @yash2002109 and @yaodada123

klumb commented 2 years ago


The CHAOSS website is built using WordPress. This project will likely involve selecting a knowledgebase plugin and implementing it on the website. This may also involve some light HTML, CSS, Javascript, or Database work.

WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a database. Features include a plugin architecture and a template system.

Word press offers some free templates and hosting options if you want to practice using the technology.

yaodada123 commented 2 years ago

That sounds good,I think I will try it. Now I am familiar with HTML, CSS and JS. In fact, I don't know much about wordpress. I have only used it for my personal blog site and deployed it to cloud services.What else do you think I need to know specifically?And could you please tell me what is expected of us?

klumb commented 2 years ago

@yaodada123 please take a look at the project idea text and the microtasks for guidance. Let me know if you have specific questions about the requirements or deliverables.

klumb commented 2 years ago

Sharing info from private email exchange -

The general workdpress theme template we use is: Salient Version: 12.1.5

By ThemeNectar

Then we use a modified child theme to get to some of the CHAOSS specific design choices.

We don’t use a plugin to pull text from GitHub, we have some code that was written for us to pull the content from Github. You would have access to the site and this code if you get selected. Documents from Git is a plugin that provides similar functionality. It doesn’t quite work the same way our code works but I have considered it in the past as a possible replacement should our code fail. It would work for a prototype if you want to incorporate it however it is not necessary.

You don’t need to pull actual content or make your website look like the Chaoss site.

The design of the website will actually be changing over the summer, so you have some liberty in the designs that you choose. My only request is that you use The CHAOSS colors and Font style - which you should be able to pull from inspection.

...And you can just populate the knowledge base areas with lorem ipsum.

klumb commented 2 years ago

Sharing info from private email exchange -

The knowledge base is an attempt to provide one place for new users to get information without them having to go to various GitHub repos or other platforms.

The topics I would like to see right now would be metrics, metrics models, and community handbook information.

The metrics info exists and should be pretty easy to incorporate.

The metrics models are in the early stage so no documents exist yet.

The community handbook exists but we are in process of cleaning it up. This may involve improvements to both structure and content. If you have a structure or organization that you think will work, include it in your prototypes. You have some leeway to tell us what you think these should look like. Don’t let our existing organization limit you.

I think the organization and structure are the interesting parts of this proposal - not the content of those focus areas.

Saurabh-Suchak commented 2 years ago

Hey @klumb I would like to work on this project for GSoC ' 22.

klumb commented 2 years ago

welcome @Saurabh-Suchak!

Saurabh-Suchak commented 2 years ago

@klumb Thanks!! Looking forward to work with you.

sara-belaoura commented 2 years ago

Hello @klumb , I'm very interested in working on this project during GSOC 2022 !

klumb commented 2 years ago


himanshu007-creator commented 2 years ago

Hi! @klumb , i am really interested to wortk on this project during GSOC' 22

klumb commented 2 years ago

Welcome @himanshu007-creator

Akshaya101 commented 2 years ago

Hello @klumb I'm a GSoC'22 participant and I'm interested in working on this issue

klumb commented 2 years ago

Welcome @akshaya101

klumb commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

How are the microtasks coming along?

Please let me know if you have questions or would like chat about this project. I could set up a zoom meeting.

yash-yp commented 2 years ago

Hi @klumb,

The tasks have been coming along nicely. I have started working on the proposal too, I'll soon give you a detailed update!

I would really like to talk more about the project over a zoom meeting. Perhaps you could schedule a meeting next week and the interested contributors could join in?

Akshaya101 commented 2 years ago

Hello @klumb ! I'm still working on the tasks, and been planning about the proposal too! If there is a Zoom Meet, count me in!

klumb commented 2 years ago

Thanks @yash2002109.

Hey all, would 9 am US Central time work?

yash-yp commented 2 years ago

@klumb, could you specify the date?

klumb commented 2 years ago

I can do this any day next week.

Feel free to shout out a day that works for you all.

sara-belaoura commented 2 years ago

Thanks @yash2002109.

Hey all, would 9 am US Central time work?

It works for me !

sara-belaoura commented 2 years ago

@klumb I've looked for Salient 12.1.5 theme on the web and I didn't find it ( I've found +13.0 versions only). Could you please share with us the link where we can download it ?

Akshaya101 commented 2 years ago

@klumb 11th April, US Central time work 9 am , IST (7:30pm) Is this okay with everybody?

klumb commented 2 years ago

@BELAOURASARA do not use the salient theme in your prototypes. This theme has a license fee.

I am sharing the link to the theme we use so you can see the demo and find info about it for design purposes.

You should find a free theme or style your prototype yourself. Your prototypes don't have to look exactly like our website.

klumb commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Akshaya101

I am checking with @ElizabethN to see if she is free on Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 9am US Central. if so, I will send out a calendar invite.

klumb commented 2 years ago

Okay everyone we are scheduled.

GSOC Knowledgebase project meeting Scheduled: Apr 11, 2022 at 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM US Central time Location:

You can grab the calender event from

klumb commented 2 years ago

This session will be an opportunity to ask questions about the Knowledgebase project. I don't have anything specific planned.

HerambLimaye commented 2 years ago

hey @klumb actually wordpress free is not allowing me to use Wordpress plugins, so any alternative. You will find below attached screenshot related to issue Screenshot (951)

klumb commented 2 years ago

Hi, @HerambLimaye I haven't encountered this issue before.

Can you show the full-screen capture and describe how you got to this page? URLs?

I will see if I can find some alternatives.

Has anyone else had problems with this?

HerambLimaye commented 2 years ago

Thanks @klumb, anyone else who knows what I am doing wrong or knows any alternative please fill free to let me know

HerambLimaye commented 2 years ago this was the link

klumb commented 2 years ago

I wasn't aware the plugins aren't allowed in the free version. @channel if there is a way around this, please share.

For your prototypes, you can create the models using other tools if you need to. Just make sure you are researching available knowledge base plugins for WordPress and modeling their structure into your prototype.

Akshaya101 commented 2 years ago

To work on locally and establish the microtasks I used . This lets you to establish Wordpress locally and you can also use plugins on it. It does not provide hosting though.

klumb commented 2 years ago

Perfect! Thanks @Akshaya101

HerambLimaye commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Akshaya101 downloading it now

yash-yp commented 2 years ago

Hi @Akshaya101 & @HerambLimaye,

You also checkout this video:

This provides you complete access to WordPress alongwith hosting on a free domain!

arneja-arnav commented 2 years ago

Hi @klumb @yash2002109 , So nice to meet you guys! We interacted on the IRC channel before but I don't think I introduced myself well. I would love to work on this project as well. Can my proposals still be reviewed?

klumb commented 2 years ago

Hi @arneja-arnav the deadline for submission is April 19, 2022 13:00 US Central Time (UTC-5).

AmaanSayyad commented 2 years ago

Hi @klumb, Hope you doing well.

I would like to work on this project.

klumb commented 2 years ago

Welcome @AmaanSayyad

The deadline for submission is April 19, 2022 13:00 US Central Time (UTC-5).

klumb commented 2 years ago

Thank you all for the submissions. We got seven submissions for this project. Best of luck to all of you.