chaosvolt / cdda-arcana-mod

Arcana and Magic Items mod for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
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[Arcana x Aftershock]Can't put av-22 into holster #312

Closed waveyl closed 1 year ago

waveyl commented 1 year ago

V29 in Aftershock is replaced with av-22, so Arcane Purifier start with av-22 contained in holster, but v-22 is larger than v29, then image

chaosvolt commented 1 year ago

Ah, the eternal saga of there always being something that screws up the purifier's laser pistol until it no longer fits in its current holster. This is like the third or fourth time that's happened so far, first one from a mod interaction though.

If I can't find a fitting laser weapon that doesn't get broken by any in-repo mods, I could possibly work around this by just giving that profession the Rift Focus or Electrothermal Arc CBM. Fits the same role since on-gamestart their only way to fuel the laser is through their UPS bionic.

EDIT: Another alternative that still fits the idea of a UPS-dependant sidearm, and one that lore-wise should logically stand out less than a laser pistol, would be a regular pistol with one of the anomaly inlay gunmods added to it.