chaosvolt / cdda-arcana-mod

Arcana and Magic Items mod for Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
155 stars 62 forks source link

0.H release candidate breaks effects and monsters #436

Closed LlubNek closed 1 week ago

LlubNek commented 1 week ago

Using Cataclysm-DDA 0.H release candidate 2024-07-05-0342 downloaded through Catapult with default mods + Arcana from Git (commit cd2d8bc).

Looks like something changed with sleepiness_* in effects.json and avoid_dangerous_fields in monsters/monsters.json

 DEBUG    : (json-error)
Json error: F:/Games/CDDA/catapult/dda/userdata/mods/Arcana/effects.json:40:37: <color_white><color_cyan>Invalid or misplaced field name "sleepiness_min" in JSON data</color>

    "max_intensity": 200,
    "int_dur_factor": "1 m",
<color_light_red>    "base_mods": { "sleepiness_min": [ 1 ], "sleepiness_tick": [ 25 ] }</color>

 FUNCTION : error_skipped_members
 FILE     : D:\a\Cataclysm-DDA\Cataclysm-DDA\src\flexbuffer_json.cpp
 LINE     : 341
 VERSION  : 47cb4c4
 DEBUG    : (json-error)
Json error: F:/Games/CDDA/catapult/dda/userdata/mods/Arcana/effects.json:40:63: <color_white><color_cyan>Invalid or misplaced field name "sleepiness_tick" in JSON data</color>

    "max_intensity": 200,
    "int_dur_factor": "1 m",
<color_light_red>    "base_mods": { "sleepiness_min": [ 1 ], "sleepiness_tick": [ 25 ] }</color>

 FUNCTION : error_skipped_members
 FILE     : D:\a\Cataclysm-DDA\Cataclysm-DDA\src\flexbuffer_json.cpp
 LINE     : 341
 VERSION  : 47cb4c4
 DEBUG    : (json-error)
Json error: F:/Games/CDDA/catapult/dda/userdata/mods/Arcana/effects.json:142:27: <color_white><color_cyan>Invalid or misplaced field name "sleepiness_chance" in JSON data</color>

      "sleepiness_min": [ 1 ],
      "sleepiness_tick": [ 300 ],
<color_light_red>      "sleepiness_chance": [ 6, 12 ]</color>

 FUNCTION : error_skipped_members
 FILE     : D:\a\Cataclysm-DDA\Cataclysm-DDA\src\flexbuffer_json.cpp
 LINE     : 341
 VERSION  : 47cb4c4


 DEBUG    : (json-error)
Json error: F:/Games/CDDA/catapult/dda/userdata/mods/Arcana/monsters/monsters.json:113:70: <color_white><color_cyan>Invalid or misplaced field name "avoid_dangerous_fields" in JSON data</color>

    "death_drops": "mon_moruboru_death_drops",
<color_light_red>    "path_settings": { "avoid_traps": true, "avoid_dangerous_fields": true },</color>
    "flags": [

 FUNCTION : error_skipped_members
 FILE     : D:\a\Cataclysm-DDA\Cataclysm-DDA\src\flexbuffer_json.cpp
 LINE     : 341
 VERSION  : 47cb4c4


Also, an invalid enum:

 DEBUG    : Error: Invalid enum string 'STEALTH_MODIFIER' for 'enum enchant_vals::mod'

 FUNCTION : new_character_tab
 FILE     : D:\a\Cataclysm-DDA\Cataclysm-DDA\src\main_menu.cpp
 LINE     : 987
 VERSION  : 47cb4c4
chaosvolt commented 1 week ago

You're using outdated version of Arcana with fairly new DDA.

LlubNek commented 1 week ago

Arcana's up to date, but it seems the 0.H branch of CDDA doesn't include everything in the latest experimentals, including the recent fatigue->sleepiness change. The fix here would be a new branch of Arcana targeting 0.H

chaosvolt commented 1 week ago

Then that means I can't do anything to fix it until they actually update 0.H to contain 0.H content and not just be a reskinned 0.G.