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Lokijs in memory database #12

Closed DanudeSandstorm closed 6 years ago

DanudeSandstorm commented 6 years ago

Loads up the spreadsheets and turns them into a in memory db Utilize the "Meta Spreadsheet" spreadsheet to get urls (instead of hard-coding them)

Look at lazy loading the non-essential (data needed to populate current page) after the current page has been resolved.

Example, navigate to /portal/Overworld/Creatures/Maxxor

DanudeSandstorm commented 6 years ago

Lokijs has been implemented, but there needs to be a subscribe/publish model to inform other components when database has been set up. 855be22

DanudeSandstorm commented 6 years ago

Going to use RXJS for subscriptions and state updating

DanudeSandstorm commented 6 years ago

Upon further consideration, looking back into Mobx #3 for state management