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(array)! to be compatible with array-typed formals #15080

Open vasslitvinov opened 4 years ago

vasslitvinov commented 4 years ago

Currently this code:

class Block {
  proc init(targetLocales: [] locale) {...}

var targetLocales: [....] locale?;
populate targetLocales;
... new Block(targetLocales!) ...

does not work because targetLocales! is a promoted expression and is not accepted for a formal of an array type.

We want to allow that, analogously to this case that works today:

var targetLocalesTemp: [....] locale?;
populate targetLocalesTemp;
var targetLocales: [] locale = targetLocalesTemp;


e-kayrakli commented 4 years ago

@vasslitvinov -- I played a bit with the associated future in test/classes/nilability/bang-array.chpl as part of #15149.

I think the issue here is actually #7936 and may not have anything to do with postfix-! ? For example the following doesn't compile and fail with the same error:

record C { 
  var x = 10;
  proc getX() {
    return x;

var cs: [1..1] C;

proc bar(arrayArg: [] int) {

@mppf's comment here seems like the root cause of the problem.

Do you think there's something else that is going wrong with !?

vasslitvinov commented 4 years ago

@e-kayrakli your analysis makes sense to me.