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Dead code in `chpl_gpu_impl_mem_free` in GPU runtime libs #21690

Open stonea opened 1 year ago

stonea commented 1 year ago

Based off this review comment I believe the body of this if statement is dead code:

Note that we assert that it's a device pointer above and then check to see if its a host pointer?

We should probably just remove it.

Note this should be updated for AMD version as well.

stonea commented 1 year ago

If I put a printf in that if block and run our tests, sure enough I can reach that code when CHPL_GPU_MEM_STRATEGY=array_on_device. This is enough to repro it (I'll hit it twice actually):

use GPU;

on here.gpus[0] {
  var A: [1..10, 1..10] int;
  foreach a in A {

So that code isn't dead.

My suspicion is that chpl_gpu_is_device_ptr isn't as straightforward as the name implies and really means something like: "can I access this pointer from the device" (so page-locked memory on the host side would return true).

Ultimately it ends up calling cuPointerGetAttribute with CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPED

Which the cuda docs say will set the return value to "1 if this pointer is in a valid address range that is mapped to a backing allocation, 0 otherwise". I'm not sure what a "backing allocation" is, I'm guessing any valid uva pointer?

At least in the following CUDA program this seems to be the behavior:

#include <iostream>
#include <cuda.h>

#define CUDA_SAFE(op) do {                      \
  int _retval = (op);                           \
  if(_retval) {                                 \
    const char *_errorname;                     \
    cuGetErrorName((CUresult)_retval, &_errorname); \
    printf("[[CUDA ERROR]] line: %d " #op ": %s(%i)\n",__LINE__,_errorname,_retval); \
    exit(1);                                    \
  }                                             \
} while (0)

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  // Initialize CUDA
  CUDA_SAFE( cuInit(0));
  CUcontext ctx;
  CUdevice dev;
  CUDA_SAFE( cuDevicePrimaryCtxRetain(&ctx, 0));
  CUDA_SAFE( cuCtxPushCurrent(ctx));
  CUDA_SAFE( cuCtxGetDevice(&dev));

  // Malloc some page-locked memory
  void* mem = malloc(0xFF);
  CUdeviceptr ptr = 0;
  unsigned int res;

  // And report on it
  CUDA_SAFE( cuPointerGetAttribute(&res, CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY_TYPE, (CUdeviceptr)mem));
  printf("VALUE IS %d\n", res);

  // Malloc some non page-locked memory And report on it
  void* notPageAlloced = malloc(0xFF);
  CUDA_SAFE( cuPointerGetAttribute(&res, CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY_TYPE, (CUdeviceptr)notPageAlloced));
  printf("VALUE IS %d\n", res);

  return 0;

// If run prints:
// [[CUDA ERROR]] line: 35 cuPointerGetAttribute(&res, CU_POINTER_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY_TYPE, (CUdeviceptr)notPageAlloced): CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE(1)

So anyway, if this is really the intent of chpl_gpu_is_device_ptr I think we should name it something less likely to cause confusion like chpl_gpu_is_ptr_device_accessible with comments explaining when and when something isn't "device accessible".

@e-kayrakli, does this sound right or are you aware of some deeper meaning to chpl_gpu_is_device_ptr?

e-kayrakli commented 1 year ago

So anyway, if this is really the intent of chpl_gpu_is_device_ptr I think we should name it something less likely to cause confusion like chpl_gpu_is_ptr_device_accessible with comments explaining when and when something isn't "device accessible".

That makes sense. I am not super happy about is_device_ptr/is_host_ptr functions anyways. That assertion that partially led to this confusion can also be removed from there, I think.