chapel-lang / chapel

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[Feature Request]: CLS: Goto-Definition on VisibilityClause with `only` #24905

Closed jabraham17 closed 3 weeks ago

jabraham17 commented 3 weeks ago

Summary of Feature


Users should be able to Goto-Definition (and other actions like Hover) on an Identifier in the only part of a VisibilityClause. Currently, the location reported for the VisibilityClause does not distinguish between the different parts of it.

For example, given use Random only fillRandom;, a user should be able to Goto-Defintion on fillRandom and go directly to it's definition, currently it just go the definition of the module (in this case, Random).

I consider this a feature request rather than a bug.

Is this a blocking issue with no known work-arounds? no