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dyno: Initial resolution of `zip()` expressions and parallel iterators #24915

Open dlongnecke-cray opened 3 weeks ago

dlongnecke-cray commented 3 weeks ago

This PR introduces resolution for zip() expressions as well as resolution of parallel iterators for forall and [] loops.

For zip() expressions that appear as the iterand of a serial loop, the strategy is to resolve only serial iterators for each actual in the zip().

For zip() expressions that appear as the iterand of a forall loop, the strategy is to:

For [] loops, the strategy is similar, except serial iterators may be used as a substitute for the leader and followers IFF the leader iterator could not be resolved for the first actual. If the leader iterator could be resolved, but e.g., its return type could not, then serial iterators will not be considered as fallbacks.

For iterands that are not zip() expressions, the "standalone" parallel iterator is preferred for parallel loops before attempting to resolve a leader/follower combo. As with zip(), forall loops will emit an error if no form of parallel iterator could be resolved. All other loops will fall back to serial iterators.

Thanks to @vasslitvinov for walking me through the semantics of zip() and parallel iterator resolution.


Reviewed by @DanilaFe. Thanks!

dlongnecke-cray commented 3 weeks ago

I'll fix the CI check failures tomorrow, have to head out for the night.

dlongnecke-cray commented 2 weeks ago

Adding isSerialIterator isLeaderIterator isFollowerIterator and isStandaloneIterator as per your suggestion.