chapel-lang / chapel

a Productive Parallel Programming Language
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Update homebrew formula to use CHPL_HWLOC!=none, CHPL_TASKS=qthreads and CHPL_MEM=jemalloc #24931

Open bradcray opened 2 weeks ago

bradcray commented 2 weeks ago

Our homebrew formula, at least on Mac, currently is using CHPL_HWLOC=none, CHPL_TASKS=qthreads, and CHPL_MEM=jemalloc. One downside of this is that it isn't using our preferred configuration, which can result in negative performance results. Another is that it results in using both the efficiency and performance cores for computations, which seems likely to cause a load imbalance and isn't how we prefer to use such systems.

This issue proposes that we put in the effort to enable these settings to give Mac users now only a simple way to get started with Chapel, but one that matches the way it'd work when building from source, and that we'd want it to work.

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