chapel-lang / chapel

a Productive Parallel Programming Language
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[Feature Request]: Cartesian product iterator #25445

Open Iainmon opened 1 month ago

Iainmon commented 1 month ago

Summary of Feature


It would be nice if there was a cartesian product iterator

var n = 0;
for (a,b,c) in cartesian(0..<3,0..<3,0..<3) {
    n += 1;
writeln(n); // 27

Is this issue currently blocking your progress?


Partial implementation

    iter cartesian(X,Y) {
        for x in X {
            for y in Y {
                yield (x,y);
    iter cartesian(param tag: iterKind,X,Y) where tag == iterKind.standalone {
        forall x in X {
            forall y in Y {
                yield (x,y);
e-kayrakli commented 1 month ago

Can you iterate over a domain literal instead?

for (a,b,c) in {0..<3,0..<3,0..<3} {
    n += 1;

P.S. Domains can be heavyweight there, but that's because of lack of a compiler optimization rather than a missing piece in the language in my view.

Iainmon commented 1 month ago

This would work, but I have needed this when the iterands were arrays, rather than ranges.

bradcray commented 1 month ago

Chapel used to have built-in syntactic support for this (though I'm not sure how mature the implementation ever got), but it fell out of favor at some point, with the intent of doing just this—making a general iterator that could do it. I still think it's the right decision, but it's funny to me that so much time has passed since we stated the intent without ever doing it.

damianmoz commented 1 month ago

This was on my list of feature requests too. I am not a functional programming expert by any means and I could be wrong but if the existing limitations on Chapel's where clause are removed, your problem is solved. I think. Syntactically, does not Chapel already have the mechanism to address this request, although Chapel would need to allow nested where clauses. See this 62 year old solution using a fully-functional where clause by Barron and Strachey (which was adopted in Haskell a while ago so it is still highly relevantl): Barron+Strachey2007-CartesianProduct.pdf

A more succinct exposition of the solution (but with less background and detail) appears towards the end of:

Unleashing the potential of the where clause would also equip Chapel with some limited functional programming capability (FWIW) amongst other benefits.

This is not a language change per se and certainly not a criticism of the existing where.

What would a faster, a for or where based solution? Hmmm?

My 2c (and apologies for suggesting heaps of work for some poor bunny).

damianmoz commented 1 month ago

Note my edit. I forgot a have which totally changed the meaning of one sentence. Brain/Finger/Eye co-ordination issue by the typist. Sorry.