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Rewrite learnChapelInYMinutes to only use stable features #25624

Open lydia-duncan opened 1 month ago

lydia-duncan commented 1 month ago

Idea from Brad here:

This would hopefully mean that future changes to it would be very limited

bradcray commented 1 month ago

Related, but also not/bigger: I haven't read through learnChapelInYMinutes in years, but have always wondered whether it's organized in a way that we as Chapel experts would introduce and teach the language given that it was written by someone who was quite new to the language at the time. E.g., does it focus on the key and most exciting features of Chapel first along with the fundamental things, or does it veer into territory that is more esoteric or less used in practice.

[edit: And also, how much effort is it worth? That is, is the site (or primer) viewed as a key resource that lots of people learn from and use, or would a more significant rewrite be effort that could better be spent elsewhere]