chapel-lang / chapel

a Productive Parallel Programming Language
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Split ChapelBase out into logical modules #5456

Open ronawho opened 7 years ago

ronawho commented 7 years ago

ChapelBase is a grab bag/hodgepodge of misc support functions, classes, and other stuff.

We should split it up into logical modules for maintainability/organization as well as documentability reasons.

It includes things such as:

ronawho commented 7 years ago

As noted in #4627 compilerError, compilerWarning, and compilerAssert should be split into their own module, which should help us get rid of the lame UtilMisc_forDocs.chpl module

e-kayrakli commented 4 years ago

A related effort could be to sift through StringCasts and BytesCasts and move casts to the relevant types' modules if such a thing exist, and think about what to do with more primitive types' casts like int:string.