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Improve Sort module #5724

Open ben-albrecht opened 7 years ago

ben-albrecht commented 7 years ago

Next steps for the Sort module:

xSooDx commented 7 years ago

Hi @ben-albrecht , I would like to help out with this. I was looking at timsort and radix sort. For timsort, the implementation requires binary insertion sort for sorting below a threshold. For radix sort, the implementations require counting sort.

I can find neither binary insertion or counting sort in the Sort.chpl module. I think it would be a good idea to include these as well.

ben-albrecht commented 7 years ago

Hi @xSooDx - thanks for your interest in contributing!

As the PR notes (maybe unclearly), @mppf plans to implement radixSort.

Sounds like a good plan for timSort. The insertionSort might be a good starting point for the binaryInsertionSort implementation. Also, be aware that strides and offsets in domains need to be accounted for in the Chapel implementation.

xSooDx commented 7 years ago

I have seen the Sort module and will follow the same structure.

I have made an interesting observation: For binaryInsertionSort I want to use the binary search function from the Search Module. However I do not want to use the entire module. Using use Search and use Search only binarySearch globaly, my code works. However using use Search only binarySearch within my binaryInsertionSort procedure, I get

binaryInsertionSort.chpl:4: In function 'binaryInsertionSort':
binaryInsertionSort.chpl:17: error: unresolved call 'binarySearch([domain(1,int(64),false)] int(64), int(64), comparator=DefaultComparator, lo=int(64), hi=int(64))'

It does not show a failure on the use line.

My test code:

use Sort;
use Search only binarySearch;

proc binaryInsertionSort(Data: [?Dom] ?eltType, comparator:?rec=defaultComparator) {
  //use Search only binarySearch;  //DOES NOT WORK
  chpl_check_comparator(comparator, eltType);

  const low = Dom.low,
        high = Dom.high,
        stride = abs(Dom.stride);
  for i in low..high by stride {
    var ithVal = Data[i];
    var inserted=false;
    var found:bool;
    var loc:int;
    var j:int = i-1;
pragma "no doc"
/* Error message for multi-dimension arrays */
proc binaryInsertionSort(Data: [?Dom] ?eltType, comparator:?rec=defaultComparator)
  where Dom.rank != 1 {
    compilerError("insertionSort() requires 1-D array");

var a:[1..10] int = (1,5,3,0,9,7,6,4,12,11);


1 5 3 0 9 7 6 4 12 11
0 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12

Please let me know if the style and structure of code is fine.

ben-albrecht commented 7 years ago

Hi @xSooDx -- For the use problem, this is a known issue with using generic functions, but it is poorly documented. I've added an issue to track this here: #5833 -- thanks for reporting it. For now, I'd place the use Search inside binaryInsertionSort's body, so that we don't pollute the module-level namespace.

It looks like you're off to a great start. Do you think you could add this to Sort.chpl, and open a PR? It would be easier to give a code-review in that format. I can also link your PR from the issue description to make it clear that it's being worked on.

xSooDx commented 7 years ago

I have made the pull request #5840.

xSooDx commented 7 years ago

I am proceeding with timSort. There is an iter `_MergeIterator' in the Sort module, but it has a TODO to remove it. Should I use this to merge the runs of timSort, or make my own merge procedure?

ben-albrecht commented 7 years ago

Hi @xSooDx -- sounds good. Yeah, I would not rely on the existing _MergeIterator as we plan to remove/reimplement it.

You'll have to bare with us, as we're closing in our our 1.15 release. I plan to provide some feedback on #5840 sometime tomorrow. Thanks for taking the lead on this!

xSooDx commented 7 years ago

Does array slicing like var a1:[1..n] int = a2[base..base+n] also take care of copying the stride?

xSooDx commented 7 years ago

Also there are quiet a few extra functions I need to implement for timSort. Should I define them inside the timSort procedure itself or keep them outside? Because they have no use apart from inside timSort itself (even the merge function is specific to timsort).

xSooDx commented 7 years ago

I have updated pr #5840 with timSort.

xSooDx commented 7 years ago

I was experimenting with parallelising timSort (as part of a college project) and have gotten a significant performance improvement. Although it may no longer be 'timSort' as I have ignored the serial rule on merging runs (X>Y+Z and Y>Z) and perform merging in parallel. Performance results:

Time taken to sort 131072 bytes (16384 int(64)s)
quickSort (seconds): 0.1807
mergeSort (seconds): 0.92939
timSort (seconds): 0.560166

Old performance results:

Time taken to sort 131072 bytes (16384 int(64)s)
quickSort (seconds): 0.182228
mergeSort (seconds): 0.571098
timSort (seconds): 1.89295

I though this might be of interest. I have uploaded the code on a branch here.

buddha314 commented 7 years ago

This has recently become the subject of StackOverflow post Python provides a nice interface using the axis argument. I keep quoting Python, sorry, but it's a good standard!

mppf commented 5 years ago

@mppf's thought here:

We need to get the Sort module into modules/standard or modules/internal.

Another thing to investigate is if we can have good enough performance with reindexing in the sort module - can we get the sorts to all work with 0-based indexing and stride 1?

Radix sort improvements:

mppf commented 5 years ago

It'd be nice to also have something like argsort in NumPy to get the permutation without moving the data:

RisingGeek commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am a new contributor. I would like to implement tim sort.

ben-albrecht commented 4 years ago

@RisingGeek - Great! See the comment history of this issue and for background info / previous efforts.

RisingGeek commented 4 years ago

@ben-albrecht, The main idea of Tim sort would be to divide the array into runs and then sort them using insertion sort and finally merge them by using a function similar to the merge function of merge sort. Am I right?

ben-albrecht commented 4 years ago

@RisingGeek - that sounds about right. I have opened for further discussion on TimSort implementation details, since this is a meta-issue for improving Sort in general.

RisingGeek commented 4 years ago

I will figure out a way

ben-albrecht commented 3 years ago

Removing [good first issue] label here and will apply [good first issue] to sub-issues where are appropriate.