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Improve NAS Parallel Benchmarks #8355

Open e-kayrakli opened 6 years ago

e-kayrakli commented 6 years ago

Here is a meta-issue to track progress on the implementations of NAS Parallel Benchmarks in Chapel.

General Tasks

Tasks for Specific Benchmarks

EP - Embarassingly Parallel


Seemingly one of the solid ones. Nothing specific as of yet, besides anything that needs to be done for any of the general tasks above.

FT - Fast Fourier Transform


MG - Multigrid



This directory is NOTESTed and not compilable (despite the filenames). These sketches can be leveraged in deriving an elegant implementation.

CG - Conjugate Gradient


Contains a number of different implementations by Brad. README gives a nice rundown.

IS - Integer Sort


BT - Block Tridiagonal Solver

SP - Pentadiagonal Solver

LU - Lower-Upper Gauss-Siedel Solver


e-kayrakli commented 6 years ago

@ben-albrecht and @mppf: here is a list of things that I have been thinking in terms of improving NPBs in Chapel. I am sure it is not complete and overlooks bunch of issues that were not immediately clear to me. Also, there may be some additional implementations I was unable to find with some naive grepping.

@bradcray: Ben told me that you had some thoughts/concerns regarding NPBs, I am wondering what you think..

All: Feel free to modify the original post as you see appropriate.

bradcray commented 6 years ago

Here's a rundown of my reluctances, most of which relate to the notion of having this be a GSoC project rather than the goal of having a "blessed" version of NPB benchmarks (which I'm supportive of):

So that leaves just FT as being an obvious place to spend some time at present for me. In the conversation where we were talking about this as a possible GSoC project, my proposal was that I thought getting a full suite of Intel PRK benchmarks seemed like it might be more satisfying as a project and more compelling/important to study.

e-kayrakli commented 6 years ago

All sounds right to me... My urge was to have a more or less full suite of well-accepted set of benchmarks in the HPC community, especially given that PRK are still not that common and arguably much smaller and abstract in terms of the problems they address (i.e. DGEMM is also in every library) as compared to NPB. But I understand your concerns regarding its fit to GSoC.

I think I can chip away some of the tasks in the list every now and then.