chapel-lang / chapel

a Productive Parallel Programming Language
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Compilation Speed #8627

Open benjamin-robbins opened 6 years ago

benjamin-robbins commented 6 years ago

As as Chapel Programmer, I want to be able to have a Chapel application compile as fast as a similar sized C program compiled with GCC so that modern programming expectations are met.

Acceptance Criteria: User writes Chapel application. User compiles Chapel application. User waits for a similar amount of time as a C program compiled with GCC takes.

bradcray commented 3 years ago

Just noting that a user asked a question related to this / compilation time in issue #16894.

mppf commented 1 month ago

This is one of the goals of the dyno effort to revamp the compiler. We are working on support for incremental compilation (so compilation information can be returned to the user quickly within an editor) as well as separate compilation. However, at present time, neither feature is ready for general use.