chapmanb / bcbio.variation

Toolkit to analyze genomic variation data, built on the GATK with Clojure
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Non-X-prize web functionality? #4

Closed lynaghk closed 12 years ago

lynaghk commented 12 years ago

I took a look through the functionality in bcbio.variation/src/bcbio/variation/web/ and it looks to me like most of it is X-prize related. Since the VCF analysis is separate, my intuition is to just put together a standalone server that uses bcbio and clj-genomespace as libraries rather than try to merge the repos right now. This might be a bit more work upfront, but I'm happy to do it to keep things from getting too monolithic. (Once we have a standalone working VCF analysis tool we could put it in bcbio---mainly I just don't think it makes sense to share any of the existing web code because bcbio is mainly noir+hiccup+X-prize while VCF is haml+sass based.) What parts of the bcbio web interface should we (Keming) work on porting over? I know we'll need the GenomeSpace login bits so that folks can access their files. Anything else?

As a sidenote, during this process I'll look into putting static resources (e.g., Twitter Bootstrap and Chosen) into upstream JARs so we can handle them as much as possible through Maven rather than git.

chapmanb commented 12 years ago

Kevin; Would it help if I refactored anything? I'm happy to make this more general so it's flexible long term.

The main things we could reuse from the current codebase are:

Everything else is xprize specific, but I could refactor to make more general. Your choice since I want to make it as easy as possible for you, but let me know if it's easier for me to generalize here.

lynaghk commented 12 years ago


chapmanb commented 12 years ago


lynaghk commented 12 years ago

Awesome. Thanks Brad.