chapmanb / bcbio.variation

Toolkit to analyze genomic variation data, built on the GATK with Clojure
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plot-ready-metrics should return the same filename/file-url that is passed in #6

Closed lynaghk closed 12 years ago

lynaghk commented 12 years ago

Is it possible to have the plot-ready-metrics API function return the same file-url that is passed in? Right now it's returning the name of the temporary file on the server disk, which feels like a leaking abstraction to me. Source below for reference:

(defn plot-ready-metrics
  "Provide metrics for a VCF file ready for plotting and visualization."
  [in-vcf-file ref-file & {:keys [metrics creds cache-dir]}]
  (let [vcf-file (retrieve-file in-vcf-file creds cache-dir)
        plot-metrics (if (nil? metrics) (available-metrics vcf-file) metrics)
        raw-metrics (clean-raw-metrics
                     (get-raw-metrics (map :id plot-metrics) vcf-file ref-file))]
    {:filename vcf-file
     :created-on (java.util.Date.)
     :metrics (map #(merge % (prepare-plot-metrics (:id %) (get raw-metrics (:id %))))
                   (remove #(nil? (get raw-metrics (:id %))) plot-metrics))}))
chapmanb commented 12 years ago

Good catch -- thanks Kevin.