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Error: unrecognized argument when using reddit-add #37

Closed redredkrovy closed 3 months ago

redredkrovy commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug No matter what I try I'm getting an "error: unrecognized arguments:" when using reddit-add. I have already created a test.db file for the database. I've left the type blank and also used text as the type with no luck.

Expected behavior To download the selfpost from a subreddit and then using reddit-selftext extract the links contained in the selfpost.

To Reproduce Command I'm running: library redditadd /home/gary/libraryDB/test.db

chapmanjacobd commented 3 months ago

Thanks for opening this issue. You are correct the subcommand was broken by

I've fixed this locally and I'll publish a new release within the next few days. In the meanwhile you should be able to use pip install xklb==2.6.007

lb-dev redditadd (tempdb) --subreddits coolgithubprojects
635 45.1s lb:/ (main|●22✚7) 🥨 sqlite-preview /tmp/tmp.9X3JxjvTew.db
## /tmp/tmp.9X3JxjvTew.db
### playlists (1 rows)
|   id |   subscribers |   time_modified |   time_created |   hours_update_delay |   time_deleted | path                                         | extractor_key         | visibility   | extractor_playlist_id   | extractor_config     |
|    1 |         52580 |      1715913300 |     1715913256 |                   70 |              0 | | reddit_praw_subreddit | public       | coolgithubprojects      | {"subreddits": true} |

### media (1753 rows)
|   id |   time_modified |   is_crosspostable |   num_comments |   num_crossposts |   score |   total_awards_received |   time_downloaded |   time_deleted | is_video   | is_over_18   | path                                              | author            |   time_created | link_flair_text   |   upvote_ratio | title                                                 | subreddit                                    |
|    1 |               0 |                  1 |              1 |                0 |       2 |                       0 |                 0 |              0 |            |              |             | VenkiThoughts     |    1.71586e+09 | JAVASCRIPT        |              1 | Errsole: Node.js logger with a built-in web dashboard | |
|    2 |               0 |                  1 |              0 |                0 |       1 |                       0 |                 0 |              0 |            |              |          | AdAppropriate5442 |    1.71578e+09 | TYPESCRIPT        |              1 | Open Source MediaConvert alternative                  | |
|    3 |               0 |                  1 |              0 |                0 |       7 |                       0 |                 0 |              0 |            |              |                  | ecykk             |    1.71576e+09 | CPP               |              1 | A simple 3d chess game (C++ and OpenGL)               | |
|    4 |               0 |                  1 |              0 |                0 |       1 |                       0 |                 0 |              0 |            |              | | regernomix        |    1.71574e+09 | PYTHON            |              1 | CS2 Match Scraper/Discord Bot                         | |
|    5 |               0 |                  1 |              0 |                0 |       7 |                       0 |                 0 |              0 |            |              |               | RessamIbo         |    1.71563e+09 | CPP               |              1 | Dijkstra pathfinding on real map data with raylib     | |

### reddit_posts (52 rows)
|   time_modified |   is_crosspostable |   num_comments |   num_crossposts |   score |   total_awards_received |   time_downloaded |   time_deleted | path                                                         | author       |   time_created | link_flair_text   |   upvote_ratio | selftext                                                                   | title                                                        | subreddit                                    |
|               0 |                  1 |              0 |                0 |       8 |                       0 |                 0 |              0 |                             | artegoser    |    1.7158e+09  | TYPESCRIPT        |           1    | TxtDot: An HTTP proxy that only parses text, links and pictures from pages, thus using less bandwidth, removing ads and heavy scripts.

txtdot v1.8.0 has been released

New features:
1. Ability to connect webder (a separate proxy that can render sites running on js).
2. Plugins - now you can conveniently configure proxies and create your own engines and middlewares.
3. You can now use jsx in the code of engines.
4. Improved text format of proxy output, now it is convenient to read in text, even less weight.
5. Added middlewares, now it is possible to add code highlighting (already added highlighting with hljs) and custom elements.
6. Now if an engine gives an error, the proxy looks for another suitable engine. Engines can improve only one part of the site (by routes), and where site parsing is not implemented readability will work.                                                                            | TxtDot v1.8.0 released                                       | |
|               0 |                  1 |              0 |                0 |       1 |                       0 |                 0 |              0 |                                 | antoineka    |    1.71546e+09 | OTHER             |           1    | Hi r/coolgithubprojects!

We are building SimBricks, an open-source simulation framework for heterogeneous systems, especially with custom hardware. SimBricks modularly combines existing simulators for machines, networks, and hardware, allowing you to build, test, and evaluate intricate complete systems in a virtual environment. Head over to the SimBricks website (, also has a quick demo video) to learn more. We have pre-built docker images, and you can even immediately play around on codespaces.

Concrete use-cases:
- Evaluate HW accelerators, from early design with simple behavioral models, to simulating complete Verilog implementations, both as part of complete systems with many instances of the accelerator and machines running full OS and real applications (we did a university course on this with SimBricks).
- Test network protocols, topologies, and communication stacks for real workloads in potentially large systems (we ran up to 1000 hosts so far).
- Rapid RTL prototyping for FPGAs, no waiting for synthesis or fiddling with timing initially (we simulate the complete unmodified RTL for the Corundum Open-source NIC with their unmodified PCIe drivers).

SimBricks originally started out as an internal research tool, for helping us build and evaluate our research ideas on network protocol offload, but has since grown into a separate open-source project.

Would be great if you give it a shot and let us know what you think!                                                                            | SimBricks – Modular Full-System Simulation for HW-SW Systems | |
|               0 |                  1 |              0 |                0 |       4 |                       0 |                 0 |              0 |                             | Vaniog       |    1.71534e+09 | GO                |           1    |                                           | Snaker: Online multiplayer snake game written with Go        | |
|               0 |                  1 |              1 |                0 |       2 |                       0 |                 0 |              0 |                         | RobertD3277  |    1.71502e+09 | PYTHON            |           0.76 | Hi,

I'd like to introduce a fun little discord bot using the open AI API as it means for communicating with users. It has a developing set of moderation capabilities but what makes it stand out, is the ability to develop complete personas or personalities. 

The bot can literally change personalities for every channel in the server and they can be as rich and as diverse as you'd like. While many other areas of the AI market focus on data, statistics, and analytics, I wanted to focus on more of a whimsical side of the human condition within the AI in terms of creating a fun environment for people to interact in. 

Please take a look at the project and leave me some feedback. Please consider leaving a star and perhaps sponsoring it if you feel it is worth it. 

Thank you.                                                                            | Open source discord bot that uses Open AI                    | |
|               0 |                  1 |              0 |                0 |       0 |                       0 |                 0 |              0 | | techsavy_dev |    1.71411e+09 | JAVASCRIPT        |           0.38 | github repo : | My first React Project using TailwindCSS .                   | |
chapmanjacobd commented 3 months ago

The new version 2.8.017 should also work