chaquo / chaquopy

Chaquopy: the Python SDK for Android
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'import pyhrv' gets 'no module tkinter error' #1145

Closed ChaeYeon01 closed 1 month ago

ChaeYeon01 commented 2 months ago

Chaquopy version


Devices or emulators where the issue happens

Relevant parts of your code

python script import cv2 import numpy as np import time import pyhrv

build.gradle chaquopy{ defaultConfig { version = "3.8" pip{ install("opencv-python") install("numpy") install("spectrum") install("scipy") install("pyhrv") } }

Describe your issue

I need to import pyhrv. but when I import pyhrv, I get com.chaquo.python.PyException: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tkinter' (Even if I don't put any funtion of pyhrv, just only import pyhrv, it says same error)

I know chaquopy doesn't support tkinter. But I don't need to use tkinter. I don't use and write it anywhere. Is pyhrv using tkinter??? Is pyhrv related to tkinter?

Why does pyhrv out tkinter error although I don't use tkinter? And how can I use pyhrv without tkinter error?

mhsmith commented 2 months ago

Please post the full stack trace, as described at

ChaeYeon01 commented 2 months ago

Oh I'm so sorry..!


pyhrv_cv1 pyhrv_cv2 pyhrv_cv3

mhsmith commented 2 months ago

I suggest you report this to the biosppy project, and request them to tolerate the situation where tkinter is unavailable.

Unfortunately I can't see any simple workaround. Adding a fake tkinter module to sys.modules isn't enough, because biosppy/inter_plotting/ also unconditionally imports matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg, which itself imports many other tkinter modules and classes.