chaquo / chaquopy

Chaquopy: the Python SDK for Android
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cryptography for Python 3.11 or later #1175

Open pay748 opened 3 weeks ago

pay748 commented 3 weeks ago

Is it possible to add python 3.11 build wheel support to the cryptography library? I need to use some asyncio low level socket methods (sock_recvfrom, sock_recvfrom_into, sock_sendto) they were added in python3.11, they are not available on python3.10. Anyway thanks for your work.Especially after discovering chaquo, it feels like opening the door to a new world. There is nothing cooler than being able to develop android apps with hybrid development using python. Thanks anyway for your work.This is really an amazing and great project! Low-level asynchronous socket methods added in python version 3.11

mhsmith commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks, that's great to hear.

cryptography 3.4.8 came out in August 2021, before Python 3.11, and even before a stable release of Python 3.10. However, we have already built it for Android on Python 3.10, so it's possible it could be built for Python 3.11 as well. If you'd like to try doing this yourself, follow the instructions here, and see the special notes in the cryptography meta.yaml file.

Ideally we would move to a newer version of cryptography which supports Python 3.11 officially, but that's currently blocked by #657.