char0n / django-brevisurl

Django app for shortening urls
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use tox for tests #27

Closed smaggs closed 6 years ago

smaggs commented 8 years ago

This is a suggestion rather than a fix. I was finding the existing Makefile a bit finicky about running tests -- I had to downgrade both Django (to 1.5) and pip before I could bootstrap the environment and run tests.

This is an example of integrating the tests into the existing, and creating a tox config for running tests with Django 1.5.x and Django 1.6.x. It also includes a small change to the tests of the local backend to address an error under Django 1.6 (with sqlite3).

Since testing is a subjective topic, I'll understand if you reject this change, but I offer it here in case it helps in moving this module forward to Django 1.8 and beyond.